New Smugmug Does not work on IE
I am receiving complaints from clients that they cannot see their photos on the new Smugmug using Internet Explorer.
Here is the screen capture one client sent me
Here is the screen capture one client sent me
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This is not supported until IE 9 without workarounds. Ask your clients to update and if this is not possible, maybe to use FF or Chrome.
IE 7 is almost seven (7!) years old. Released last quarter of 2006.
There is a browser test page for HTML5 ->
Chrome does best, next FF and last lame IE 10. ;-)
I think one of the best decisions SM made with this is to not bother with older versions of IE.
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I can understand wanting to use the latest and greatest technologies, but Smugmug is a service is not just to deploy websites but a selling tool for many of us. I would expect to be backward compatible with as many of the most used browser. Maybe not IE 6 or 7 but at least 9 and 8.
Sure, there is a time to ditch the past, but when the income of many photographers may be at stake, that cutout point has to be chosen carefully and not just one version away.
According to the in July 2013 this were the stats:
IE - 11.8%
FF - 28.9%
Chrome - 52.8%
Safari 3.6%
Opera 1.6%
If Smugmug made sure that it work on Safari with only 3.6% of the users, why not make sure it works on IE that has 3 times the number of users?
I am sure that Amazon makes sure their site works in as many versions of all browser as possible because they do not want to hinder sales.
And the thing is that their problem started with the new Smugmug.
The reality is that supporting old versions of IE adds an incredible amount of development time to the process of creating a site like SmugMug, and can end up restricting the features they are able to offer. There comes a point where the financial and support investment simply doesn't make it worthwhile, and I think that time has come for IE7.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I get that we can't have shinies that are backwards compatible, but a simple alternate site would be handy - maybe even going to the legacy site! Yeah I know, that's not going to happen, and it would be unreasonable to expect it.
The answer of course is not to switch over, until the government and HSBC update their browsers, or suck it up. oh well.
Agreed... and IE7 is only 2.7% of my visitors. IE8 is quite a bit more though - does IE8 totally fail too?
Safari doesn't require any extra effort. Supporting Safari is the same effort as supporting FF and Chrome. It is a modern, standards-compliant browser. Older versions of IE are not, and require huge amounts of development effort to support, update, maintain etc. And all versions of IE just suck (my opinion).
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IE8 is not officially supported, but it seems to work okay for me on my galleries.
The only missing feature I've seen is that IE8 doesn't support transparent backgrounds on headers and things, but SmugMug has defined sensible fallback colours for them instead so they don't look completely out of place.
I can browse on IE8 with no real problems (except the main slideshow gets cut off).
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
cheers for the info. And another site I can draw inspiration from!
I don't see any reason why people who CAN upgrade to a modern browser don't.
One death some have to die.
It might be not what you want to hear, but I believe it's our responsibility to check which browser our (paying) customers are using, before switching to the new design.
Believe this stats from draws better picture - ratios of IE versions in July 2013 :
IE 10 3.3 %
IE 9 2.8 %
IE 8 4.8 %
IE 7 0.7 %
IE 6 0.1 %
[strike]IE[/strike] aehm, IE 6 and 7 are endangered species.
I only got 9% IE users... So of 1.000.000 unique users visiting my site (which I might reach in five years
But the ratio will sink to less than 0.4% until end of 2014 ('cause in 2014 support for XP runs out)
Obvious that a company like SM has to make a decision - a forward-facing decision and not wait another 18 month.
This is silly - you can't have all the new awesome stuff on crappy, old, out-of-date browsers. Full-stop. There's nothing about blame here. Modern browsers are freely available (Chrome, Safari, Firefox).
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