How do I make a new guestbook page so that my visitors can comment? I understand how to get a new page made, and tie a link to that page, but I can't seem to get a photo, or comments section in there.....a bit lost here, any help would be appreciated.
Add an html or text box widget and a comment widget under it.
You can add other widgets like a photo or slideshow also.
My Website index | My Blog
these out to your page and place them where you want them.
My Website index | My Blog
old guestbook and it'll transfer the comments to the new page.
My Website index | My Blog
With the other pages I've created I didn't have a problem - it was before I unveiled so I could publish unfinished work.
Sadly, this is not yet supported, but I bet it is on SmugMug's to-do list!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Can you explain step by step how did you do your guest book page ? thanks
I managed customizing the page, but maybe there is a shortcut to reaching it. What I did was go to the organizer, go to that page and then click done. This way I remained on that page when entering the customization mode. It doesn't seem like the right way of doing this.
Now I have 2 more questions:
1. Do people REALLY have to be logged-in (either to SM or facebook) to leave a comment?? I don't like it.
2. In the comment's settings menu, there is "source" (no tool tip there). What is it for?
I agree that it's difficult to learn how to get back to customizing a custom page and I put a feature request in for improved navigation while in the Customize mode:
1.) yes - there is a pretty passionate thread in here somewhere about that being a protective measure.
Ok, I'll try...I stumbled around quite a bit, but Hopefully this helps:
1. First created a new "Page" by clicking on "Organize", then when the organize section comes up, in the top left side of the window, click on "Create", and select "Page" from the drop down menu. When the properties box popped up, all I did was give it a title of "Guestbook", and hit save. Finished by hitting "Done" on the organize site page (top right).
2. At this point, it put me on the new page, so I clicked on "Customize" and selected "Customize site" on the drop down box while on the new page. Now I had all the content stuff to add in.
3. I then added a single photo content block just under the guestbook title that appeared on the new page and added a photo to it. Needed to then hover over the photo and click on the dimensions triangle that shows up, and reduced the container width to something like 35%. With my photo (sized to can do this by hovering over the photo and click the wrench).
4. This is where I really started stumbling around. I wanted a text box just to the right of the photo, and then a small slideshow just to the right of the text box. So, I dragged over a "text box" from the add content menu and hovered just to the right of the photo until the side of the photo box highlighted and dropped the text box. If you don't reduce the size of the photo container, the text box will drop below the photo. Now, I had a text box next to the photo, but it took up the remaining width of the container. You need to shrink the width of the text box container in the same way I did for the photo (I think I reduced it to something like 30%).
5. Then I dragged over a slideshow content box the same way as I did for the text box and put it on the right side of the text box. Again, the slide show box then immediately fills the remaining width of the container.
6. I had to play with the container width %'s on all three content blocks until they were sized to my satisfaction, and still all lined up along the width. They all kind of pull/tug at each other as you change things.
7. At this point, I wanted to add a comment block. In the "Add content" menu, you will find the "comments" contact block under the "Social" menu item. Drag it over and place it just below the Photo/text/Slideshow content.
That is where I am at right now. I have no comments on my page yet, so I have no clue if it works or not, but at least it's starting to take some shape. Hope this helps.
"Out where the rivers like to run, I stand alone, and take back something worth remembering..."
Three Dog Night