making a hover and active state in menus
on :
there is a hover color at mouse rollover
but not on mine :
did i miss the parameter somewhere ?
It would also be nice the menu keeps the active color when its corresponding page is selected which is not the case for kelby site.
If i can do that I will perhaps be able to remove the "galleries" and "events" titles on corresponding pages (can we ?) and have thumbs 12px only far from header
best regards
on :
there is a hover color at mouse rollover
but not on mine :
did i miss the parameter somewhere ?
It would also be nice the menu keeps the active color when its corresponding page is selected which is not the case for kelby site.
If i can do that I will perhaps be able to remove the "galleries" and "events" titles on corresponding pages (can we ?) and have thumbs 12px only far from header
best regards
I use it on my navbar along with a fading hover effect. Not sure about the active color.
First you have to add code for the hover effect:
Just make sure you pick a text colour that will show the transition. If you don't want white as the hover colour then just change the colour code that I've highlighted in red above.
Then add the transition code and you can change the duration to suit your liking:
My Website index | My Blog
Work with this... this is for drop menu. I'm not sure if that's what you have but it will get you started.
hallo everybody,
there are lot of posts about hover and active menus but there are so many that finally i don't know what to do.
here is my site where hover is working nice :
what must i add and WHERE (not familiar with html/css menus of new smugmug) to have active color same color than hover color when a page is active ?
for instance if i select about, about page is displayed and color of menu is white
best regards