URLs now appear to be case sensitivie
URLs now appear to be case sensitive and I'm fairly sure they weren't before. So for example, you can get to http://photos.miseast.org/Afghanistan but http://photos.miseast.org/afghanistan just ends up with a 404. Is this by design or can this be changed? (I'm guessing it is because of the unique photo ID that you add to the end of the link to photos that make those links gallery independant e.g. i-DV3wPhw)
You used to also have a gallery ID that allowed us to use gallery links that would still work if the gallery name changed but that has disappeared now. Shame as it was a nice trick
You used to also have a gallery ID that allowed us to use gallery links that would still work if the gallery name changed but that has disappeared now. Shame as it was a nice trick

Did you see that as an announcement somewhere or did you work it out? In any case I will need to be careful with my URLs from now on. Thanks
(beware some NSFW language)
Ah, didn't see that - thanks. I did search for other threads first but didn't see it - I have no idea why as it now shows up when I search. I'm off to enjoy the language and feel mildly embarrassed about my searching abilities