Restore "Assumed" HTML

BigRedBigRed Registered Users Posts: 288 Major grins
edited August 21, 2013 in SmugMug Feature Requests
Request: Restore the Legacy "assumed" HTML logic, especially for both migrated and new image captions.
Benefit: Avoids a huge amount of tedious manual migration re-work and countless keystrokes going forward.

This functionality is little understood (SM pulled the Help page a couple of years ago). But here's how it actually works.
In bio, captions, and gallery descriptions:
Where carriage returns or any of the following simple HTML tags are entered, opening & closing <HTML> & </HTML> tags are inferred and don't need to be entered.
<strong> (<B>)
<em> (<I>)
<span style>
Carriage returns are treated as if a <BR> tag was entered.
Needless to say, the tags themselves are respected.
Also see - Janice Browne Nature Art & Photography
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