Increasing Size of Body Font
There seems to be no option for increasing the size of "body font" which is a major hinderence as some of these fonts (for example Covered by Your Grace) are really small in the "400" size. I used Google fonts on my my legacy page and would like to use the same ones on my new site however their default size is far smaller than the size it was on my legacy site and does not look good without being larger and more bold.
How can I make this adjustment?
How can I make this adjustment?
body {font-size: 150% !important;}
As jfriend says, it doesn't work on everything. On my new SmugMug site, it works on the wording (but not the '>') of the breadcrumbs, gallery descriptions and a couple of other bits and pieces. It doesn't work on the captions.
If you try it out, you'll notice that the line spacing doesn't scale up with the font size, causing lines to start to overlap. I haven't figured out the CSS to change the line height, nor to change the caption font size, unfortunately. I'm sticking with the defaults for now but will keep my eyes open.
Best regards,
I've looked through these and can't find what I am looking for. Go to my page - what I want to do is bold the font for where it says "Galleries" "contact me" etc. Have i missed something?
I have however used other customizations from Aaron's great page but was nto able to find what I was asking about in this thread.
That worked! Woo - that really needs to be made more widely known. Next question based on the success of this one. How do I make it bigger and if possible even bolder (just want to toy with my options for optimal results.)
Lastly - how do I make the font in the folders (after you click galleries) bigger and bolder too. Those whom I've shared the site with so far since unveilign have said they like the font it's just to skinny to read. but Bold on this the same way as you noted above would be a great change for starters.
Thanks for the assist!
For font-weight values, see
For font-size values, see
For other properties and values, and how to format them, have a shufty at
Ok I have tried with partial success. The bold has stayed regardless, but won't get bolder when i increase teh value, but the height won't change.
I have tried
/* Nav Bar Size and Weight */
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {
/* Nav Bar Size and Weight */
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {
font-size: h1;
Please let me know what am I doing wrong as I have followed the links instructions. I want to essentially make the size of the font on the menu bar "double" the size of what it currently is and thought H2 (200%) did that and that did nothing so then i tried H1 and that didn't work either.
as well applying the same weight/size changes to the gallery names.
.sm-page-widget-nav-toplink {
.sm-tile-title {
and season according to your tastes.
but that did nothing.
As well I can't find the property from earlier for adjusting the bold and size of the nav bar in my Theme's CSS...yet it has to be there since the change is still holding. Do these change "move" somewhere after the change happens in certain situations? I know I am positive, that I put that in the Theme's CSS - yet its now not there. I don't want to change it or anything, just want to keep this and that together for future tweaks if needed.
If using a number you need to give it some units. % or px or whatever, and don't forget the ; after the !important. Have a play with the examples at
Maybe it's in an Entire Site content block?