Did the Support Heroes fall off the earth?

I realize that Smugmug Support Heroes are very busy responding to requests. However, I have never, in the years I have been a Smugmug Pro subscriber, had no response at all after a week. I requested support on August 1, reiterated it on August 4, and have had absolutely no response except for the initial automated response (so at least I know that my support request was received). I am stuck and unable to update my site until the problem is resolved.
Here is the original request:
Here is the original request:
I am transitioning populus.smugmug.com. It is going well except that I am unable to add any content to the All Folders page. There is no box for folders as there is in the Gallery page. As a result, when I open a Folder page, I get a blank page.
Notice in the attached screen shot that the upper figure (All Folders) shows no available content box, while the lower figure (All Galleries) shows a content box.
My Smugmug Site: photos.kimmerer.com
You should just be able to drag a Folders or Galleries box onto the page from the Navigation category.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Thanks, Lamah! (I still don't appreciate being ignored by Support Heroes for a week).
Support Hero
Support Hero