Can I have an HTML block in a page? I'd like a list of events on a page.

I'm getting there. Here's what I'd like now.
I'd like a new page with the nav and header and footer that is on the rest of my site, but with a block of nothing in the middle where I can put html. Can I do this? Can I add a page like that?
What I'm trying to do:
I'd like a page with a list of all my recent events. Just date, name, location that will link to either the gallery or event that contains the images. I thought a simple html table would be an easy enough way to to update over time. Is that do-able? Or is there a better way?
Today I use to link back to my galleries, but it seems stupid if I can just have my own list.
I'd like a new page with the nav and header and footer that is on the rest of my site, but with a block of nothing in the middle where I can put html. Can I do this? Can I add a page like that?
What I'm trying to do:
I'd like a page with a list of all my recent events. Just date, name, location that will link to either the gallery or event that contains the images. I thought a simple html table would be an easy enough way to to update over time. Is that do-able? Or is there a better way?
Today I use to link back to my galleries, but it seems stupid if I can just have my own list.
Alternatively, put all your event galleries into one folder, then apply this customisation to turn the gallery thumbnails into a list of clickable names instead (you could also just create a page with a Galleries block on it, and add the galleries you want to it):
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I like your all-event-galleries-in-one-folder idea, but it wouldn't work for me as I have too many event galleries, and some are multiple gallery events, some are galleries.
Found it. thanks