Customize homepage =blank page!!

Hi Team,
OK first I'm really impressed with what the new Smug has/will offer us customers!
Also I know you all have a ton of items to deal with at this time. I've been watching all the forum threads here to see this issue posted and haven't yet...I think once you check this out you'll understand
my predicament. Please bear with me...
Site name:,
Describe problem: So I was playing in the sandbox on my home page and when I tried to click "customize>customize site" the screen flickers, goes to a black background, flickers again and ends up blank except for my header logo and nav bar. the only way out of this is to delete the /#customize from the url and hit enter (which takes me back to the actual home page).
NOTE: While still on the "blank white home page" the nav bar fails to work. Once I delete the /#customize to get back to the "pre bug version" and I click on any of my other nav bar links (about, motorcycles, cars/etc, contact) I can enter "customize>customize site" mode from those - the only workaround I can find now is to enter customization mode from another page and click homepage only then it works.
What was I doing when this happened: I had just been on my legacy site in the advanced customizer page and "control C'ed" some html code to insert in the new smug home page, after I copied the code I clicked on "update" in the legacy site and soon as I went back to new smug the problem started - note I had been doing this earlier (but without clicking "update" in the legacy site). Also I hadn't had a chance to paste the code into new smug yet.
List steps to recreate problem: Be logged in to my account, in new smug sandbox, on home page and click on "customize>customize site". There you have it.
Also noteworthy on home page in sandbox new smug the upper admin links for organize, customize, etc are "greyed out":

However, on all the other pages the organize, customize, etc are all solid black:

Here it is progress, just after hitting "customize site" from home page "greyed out" link:

Then it flashes to a black background for a second or 2:

Finally ends up all white/mostly blank, and the nav bar fails to work, as mentioned above only way out of this point is delete /#customize from url and hit enter, then back to the beginning:

This happened originally 8/6 about 4:40 pm while on a brand new iMac 20" at the college I work/attend running OSX 10.8, browsers are FireFox 22.0 and Safari 6.0.5 both browsers the same result. I first emailed smugmug help desk at that point.
8/7 10 pm response sent to me:
Hi Rich,
Thanks for contacting SmugMug. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with this! I cannot replicate this behaviour, however; can you tell us which operating system, browser and browser version you were using when that happened? Does it happen if you use a different browser, such as Firefox or Chrome?
Standing by,
SmugMug Support Hero
Since then I tried various other computers both at home and at school:
-My older iMac 17" (2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) at home running OSX 10.5.8; browsers are FireFox 16.0.2 and Safari 5.0.6;
-Dell PC running Win XP and Google Chrome.
3 machines, 2 locations all 4 browsers. I sent all this additional info at 12:20 am 8/7 (about 2 hours later). Then still no reply as of 8/8 7 pm. So here I am on the forum...
At this point I don't see why it wouldn't replicate anywhere as long as you have admin access.
I know you guys are working round the clock to deal with various scenarios, and I appreciate any help you can give me!
OK first I'm really impressed with what the new Smug has/will offer us customers!
Also I know you all have a ton of items to deal with at this time. I've been watching all the forum threads here to see this issue posted and haven't yet...I think once you check this out you'll understand
my predicament. Please bear with me...
Site name:,
Describe problem: So I was playing in the sandbox on my home page and when I tried to click "customize>customize site" the screen flickers, goes to a black background, flickers again and ends up blank except for my header logo and nav bar. the only way out of this is to delete the /#customize from the url and hit enter (which takes me back to the actual home page).
NOTE: While still on the "blank white home page" the nav bar fails to work. Once I delete the /#customize to get back to the "pre bug version" and I click on any of my other nav bar links (about, motorcycles, cars/etc, contact) I can enter "customize>customize site" mode from those - the only workaround I can find now is to enter customization mode from another page and click homepage only then it works.
What was I doing when this happened: I had just been on my legacy site in the advanced customizer page and "control C'ed" some html code to insert in the new smug home page, after I copied the code I clicked on "update" in the legacy site and soon as I went back to new smug the problem started - note I had been doing this earlier (but without clicking "update" in the legacy site). Also I hadn't had a chance to paste the code into new smug yet.
List steps to recreate problem: Be logged in to my account, in new smug sandbox, on home page and click on "customize>customize site". There you have it.
Also noteworthy on home page in sandbox new smug the upper admin links for organize, customize, etc are "greyed out":

However, on all the other pages the organize, customize, etc are all solid black:

Here it is progress, just after hitting "customize site" from home page "greyed out" link:

Then it flashes to a black background for a second or 2:

Finally ends up all white/mostly blank, and the nav bar fails to work, as mentioned above only way out of this point is delete /#customize from url and hit enter, then back to the beginning:

This happened originally 8/6 about 4:40 pm while on a brand new iMac 20" at the college I work/attend running OSX 10.8, browsers are FireFox 22.0 and Safari 6.0.5 both browsers the same result. I first emailed smugmug help desk at that point.
8/7 10 pm response sent to me:
Hi Rich,
Thanks for contacting SmugMug. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with this! I cannot replicate this behaviour, however; can you tell us which operating system, browser and browser version you were using when that happened? Does it happen if you use a different browser, such as Firefox or Chrome?
Standing by,
SmugMug Support Hero
Since then I tried various other computers both at home and at school:
-My older iMac 17" (2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) at home running OSX 10.5.8; browsers are FireFox 16.0.2 and Safari 5.0.6;
-Dell PC running Win XP and Google Chrome.
3 machines, 2 locations all 4 browsers. I sent all this additional info at 12:20 am 8/7 (about 2 hours later). Then still no reply as of 8/8 7 pm. So here I am on the forum...
At this point I don't see why it wouldn't replicate anywhere as long as you have admin access.
I know you guys are working round the clock to deal with various scenarios, and I appreciate any help you can give me!
The sorcerers involved are going to look at it...but told me that it appears to work if you select 'Customize Site' from any page except your homepage.
Give it a try, hopefully that workaround will be sufficient until they work out what the issue.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks for your help with this.
The workaround is able to keep me going in the meantime, so I'm not without
the ability to continue the tweeking!
Thanks again!
The front-end sorcerers are looking into preventing that in the future.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
You just made my day!
I kinda thought I might have been pasting a bit too many things in too many places without keeping track.
Works great!
Thanks again,
Minor note for the heck of it, the front page "org, customize, etc" links still have that 'greyed out' look.
But they work fine!