Serious bug. Unlisted galleries are useless

That is not a feature that maybe you will implement in the future. It is a huge bug. Because:
1- That is not the expected behaviour as described in the documentation
2- That is not the behaviour of the previous version of the service.
3- It was not possible to test before migration. Because everything works like magic when you are logged in. But it is not possible to have the not logged user view to verify that the new version is flawed. It breaks the trust I had in your expertise and your commitment to the user base.
4- It defeats the whole purpose of existing unlisted galleries.
I understand that you guys didn't tested the new product enough before releasing. And now you are overwhelmed by the sudden flush of bugs and support request. But it is not something to ignore, and play like it was not a bug.
And for sure it is not difficult to solve. It is just a permission check here and there to adjust. Unless you had implemented a really flawed access control system, which I doubt, it is really simple to solve.
AUG 04, 2013 | 06:31PM PDT
Hi Leonardo,
Thanks for your reply. Right now you can only include photos that are in public galleries. We may look into adding a feature to include photos from unlisted galleries in the future, but right now it's not possible. I'm sorry.
Let us know if you have any questions.
AUG 03, 2013 | 11:44AM PDT
I am still waiting for your feedback. I have already read all the
documentation and it seems that the behaviour expected was the same of the
previous version. I used this feature in the same directory and it used to
work. I have already tested it in many different combination since
reporting this bug. And it doesn't work. For me it is a bug in the new
version. Can you confirm that it is a bug and will be fixed soon?
*Leonardo Alcantara Moreira*
2013/8/1 SmugMug Heroes <>
John Polanek
AUG 01, 2013 | 04:01PM PDT
Hello from the Heroes,
We're so sorry for the delay in answering you.
We know you've been waiting for a response from our Heroes, but for the first time in our 11 years, our 34 Heroes are unable to give you the quick responses they so badly want to give. We have every Hero working overtime plus employees from all departments helping, but the response to New SmugMug exceeds our wildest imaginations, and we apologize.
Because of this delay, it may be that you have solved your initial questions. Great! If not, during this amazing surge of interest in the New SmugMug, we're hosting webinars four times daily. This page will be updated with new dates/times:
If you have not had a chance to watch yet, take a peek at our Getting Started video:
You will find answers to some of the most frequent questions we are receiving here:
We also have some great help pages to get you started:
Content management:
We hope these help! Thanks so much for your patience.
All the best,
SmugMug Support Heroes
John Polanek
SmugMug Support Hero
Support Hero
AUG 01, 2013 | 06:53AM PDT
Original message
I used to put photos that I wanted to use as backgrounds, logos, etc in a unlisted folder. Now I switched to the new smugmug and I can't put pictures in my homepage that are saved in a unlisted folder. It shows as expected when I am logged in. But it doesn't show when someone else tries to access the page.
The photo is in one gallery that inherits the settings from a parent directory that is unlisted. The directory is child of root directory. None of them are password protected.
The "external embeding" of the gallery is on.
It seems to me that the behaviour is changed from the old smugmug to the new one. Or is it a bug?
1- That is not the expected behaviour as described in the documentation
2- That is not the behaviour of the previous version of the service.
3- It was not possible to test before migration. Because everything works like magic when you are logged in. But it is not possible to have the not logged user view to verify that the new version is flawed. It breaks the trust I had in your expertise and your commitment to the user base.
4- It defeats the whole purpose of existing unlisted galleries.
I understand that you guys didn't tested the new product enough before releasing. And now you are overwhelmed by the sudden flush of bugs and support request. But it is not something to ignore, and play like it was not a bug.
And for sure it is not difficult to solve. It is just a permission check here and there to adjust. Unless you had implemented a really flawed access control system, which I doubt, it is really simple to solve.
AUG 04, 2013 | 06:31PM PDT
Hi Leonardo,
Thanks for your reply. Right now you can only include photos that are in public galleries. We may look into adding a feature to include photos from unlisted galleries in the future, but right now it's not possible. I'm sorry.
Let us know if you have any questions.
AUG 03, 2013 | 11:44AM PDT
I am still waiting for your feedback. I have already read all the
documentation and it seems that the behaviour expected was the same of the
previous version. I used this feature in the same directory and it used to
work. I have already tested it in many different combination since
reporting this bug. And it doesn't work. For me it is a bug in the new
version. Can you confirm that it is a bug and will be fixed soon?
*Leonardo Alcantara Moreira*
2013/8/1 SmugMug Heroes <>
John Polanek
AUG 01, 2013 | 04:01PM PDT
Hello from the Heroes,
We're so sorry for the delay in answering you.
We know you've been waiting for a response from our Heroes, but for the first time in our 11 years, our 34 Heroes are unable to give you the quick responses they so badly want to give. We have every Hero working overtime plus employees from all departments helping, but the response to New SmugMug exceeds our wildest imaginations, and we apologize.
Because of this delay, it may be that you have solved your initial questions. Great! If not, during this amazing surge of interest in the New SmugMug, we're hosting webinars four times daily. This page will be updated with new dates/times:
If you have not had a chance to watch yet, take a peek at our Getting Started video:
You will find answers to some of the most frequent questions we are receiving here:
We also have some great help pages to get you started:
Content management:
We hope these help! Thanks so much for your patience.
All the best,
SmugMug Support Heroes
John Polanek
SmugMug Support Hero
Support Hero
AUG 01, 2013 | 06:53AM PDT
Original message
I used to put photos that I wanted to use as backgrounds, logos, etc in a unlisted folder. Now I switched to the new smugmug and I can't put pictures in my homepage that are saved in a unlisted folder. It shows as expected when I am logged in. But it doesn't show when someone else tries to access the page.
The photo is in one gallery that inherits the settings from a parent directory that is unlisted. The directory is child of root directory. None of them are password protected.
The "external embeding" of the gallery is on.
It seems to me that the behaviour is changed from the old smugmug to the new one. Or is it a bug?
Where are you trying to use the image, exactly? A single-photo block? Here's a single photo block that uses a picture from an unrelated unlisted gallery, it works fine:
I've set the background of the page to another image from another unlisted gallery, it also works fine, logged in or not. So I'm really wondering in what context this isn't working for you.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
I have an unlisted gallery that I used in previous version to store logos, banners and other pics that were not true gallery pictures. Now I would like to use these new themes to expose selectively some photos, because almost all of my galleries are password protected. So I copied some photos to this unlisted gallery, and used them in the first page. It works, but only when I am logged on or if I turn this gallery public.
It is not the background, but rather a strip with two photos in the middle of the first page as the Zoe theme allows you. (It allows you multiple photos I chose 2).
Ah, I see. It does work if you use the option "Select from: Single gallery" which shows every photo from that unlisted gallery. But if you use the option "Select from: Photos | Choose", the unlisted photos get "unlisted" displayed on top of them, which means that when you're logged out, they won't be visible.
So as a workaround, you could put those two images into their own unlisted gallery and use that in your Multiple Photos block.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
On my old site, I had a Folder Tree such as:
It was set to unlisted. It was meant to NOT show up in casual browsing of my mainly business site. It was great to store family photos in the same place. If I knew the URL or stumbled upon it, I would see the galleries.
Now, nothing works. Even if I give the special CODE at the end of the URL above, I can;t see the other galleries beneath it because I would have to also share the specific code for each. This is HORRIBLE.
How do I get the old functionality back? How else can I achieve this? All I want is a way to keep casual browsing from my personal galleries. Not to fully protect them as they aren;t sensitive. I just don't want people browsing them casually as if it were a part of the main experience I am offering on my PRO account for my Photo business.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Yes, this was a big concern for me also.
So I bit the bullet and typed 'UNVEIL' in order to test my site properly as unveiling is the only true way you can see your new SM site as it appears to visitors.
Since then I have encountered several more issues. I have been active lately here on the support forum trying to find solutions.
When you sent the link, are you getting the link's code (some kind of gallery ID) in it also?
I have a test gallery that's unlisted. Let's pretend the URL is
If I try that when not logged in it fails. However, while logged in if I use that link it works fine and my address bar changes to something like:
Now if I give THAT link to a client who is not logged in, it works fine. Not exactly sure why, but it's pretty consistent with old behavior of getting a link and handing it out -- just the link formats seem to have changed.
Now if you are saying that existing gallery links you handed out are now broken - maybe. I didn't try that (not sure I ever gave them out before so not sure if they changed).
But if you are saying that existing image links into an unlisted gallery are broken, I definitely use that and haven't seen it.
And if you are saying you can't give out an unlisted gallery link -- try the above.
PS. None of the links above are clickable, I didn't want to post the actual unlisted gallery, but if it really isn't working that way I can make a new one and post for example.
shows nothing. Have you dragged a folder box to it? The box would show below the breadcrumb at the bottom.
If not I'd select "all folders" on the any customize page in the flyout drawer and drag a "folder" to the page just below the breadcrumb.
My Website index | My Blog
My Website index | My Blog
It brings the photo up in lightbox, eventually, and all the buttons show including "add to cart".
Then clicking the X to close lightbox all the other photos click to lightbox with the buttons showing.
My Website index | My Blog
IE right click, couple times > go to copied address
My Website index | My Blog
Not sure what box but in it you'd show only this galleries photos.
It brings up the gallery page and shows all its photos. Each photo is clickable to lightbox with the buttons.
My Website index | My Blog
Not sure what box but in it you'd show only this galleries photos probably by picking that as the source gallery.
It brings up the gallery page and shows all its photos. Each photo is clickable to lightbox with the buttons.
My Website index | My Blog
Add to cart works. But you have to scroll all the way to the bottom for thee gallery photos. The ones
towards the top is the photo box shown on your homepage.
Mayby click customize on this page, make it this page only, and remove the homepage stuff, slideshow and photo box.
Or on your homepage change boxes, slideshow and photo box, to "only on homepage".
My Website index | My Blog
Please visit this page for me:
Do you see all the galleries beneath it or not? They are unlisted as well as the one above because thye are set to inherit. There are quite a few in there.
Please let me know if I am smoking something inappropriate or am I correct to assume I still cannot see the galleries. Thank you all for your help
I can't comment on your smoke preference, but when I look I see a blank screen.