Transparent Logo
I'm trying to insert a logo so that it does not include a white background. The logo has been saved as a png file with a transparent background but after I upload the file to SM and insert the logo on my page it loses its transparency and you can see the white background. Any ideas?
Well the first problem I see is that is a link to your local computer. Can you share a link to your website where you are having the problem?
The other problem I see if your link is a tiff file. I would save it as a PNG file, you will have better luck with transparency
It's not pretty that way, and the edges need cleanup, but you can tell it's transparent.
(Note probably will delete that page in a few days so if link doesn't work that's why -- don't want to keep someone else's logo on my site, it may give the wrong ideas even if unlisted).
The background at my end is transparent (I've checked it). The problem seems to be when it's uploaded to SM (as a png file). The transparency seems to be lost!
I uploaded mine with the built in upload -- I clicked it, browsed to the file, and uploaded it to a test gallery I had, then just connected to it using SM. I used nothing fancy.
Are you SURE you're saving it transparent?
Here's the one I uploaded. When it shows here, it does NOT show transparent. I'm going to post this message, then download from the screen and see what I get. Will follow up with another posting in a second. In the meantime here's a direct link to the gallery I uploaded it to. Try downloading it (button bottom right) and then look at it and see if it looks transparent when you download into your environment. Link:
But when the image I forced to transparent is uploaded to SM, for me it worked and remains transparent. I confirmed if I hit the download button the resulting image after the round trip to SM and back remains transparent.
I think you're losing transparency in something you are doing, maybe your upload program?
I think that's right. The file is transparent before it's uploaded to SM but seems to lose transparency when uploaded. I'm just using the standard SM HTML5 uploader but that seems to be the problem.
What upload program are you using?
Just the one built into the web page. I just tried it again, using the HTML5 uploader and the Flash uploader, but in Chrome, and both uploaded fine.
Are you are yours is transparent? Take mine from the link above, download it, and upload with the HTML5 to a gallery -- it shows right there in the gallery if transparent if you have a non-white background on the thumbnail display.
Downloaded yours and came out transparent. Then sent it on the round trip from my machine to SM via upload (Safari) and then download. Transparency lost on the upload so that no transparency in the gallery and on the re-download.
Maybe Safari?
Sorry, I'm apple-challenged, if the problem is in that arena.
Tried uploading from Chrome on the windows environment at work. Confirmed the file I was uploading was a transparent one before uploading but when it got to SM all transparency lost. Round trip download from SM confirmed the transparency was lost. Interestingly, uploading gif files retains the transparency!
PNG files also retain transparency. I use png for my logo.
Thanks for your message but, unfortunately, that's my problem. The png files are not retaining transparency when I am uploading them to SM.
Since it worked for me as well as the prior poster, it is likely some aspect of your environment -- the uploader, how you are preparing the file (is it really transparent), something.
My suggestion is try to change -- if mac find a windows box (maybe parallels), if safari try some other browser, different uploader - something.
It's not an innate part of Smugmug that it loses transparency. And I realize it's not a solution to just say "it's you". But it really is something in the nature of what you are doing. If it's not obvious, just start changing things until it stops, and let us know so it's one more thing to help others. Sadly sometimes random trial and error is still the nature of computer software.
Edited PS: If you are doing anything else ALSO in your logo, any kind of HTML markup, etc., try first just looking in a gallery display for the uploaded shot and see if it's transparent. Eliminate anything that might be having an impact, just try for a pure, direct upload and view of the image to Smugmug.
PS2: Are you a power or basic user? I don't know of any restrictions on user level, but it is possible there's something there. My account is power -- that's next to the lowest level -- and it works.
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