REQUEST: combining "events" features w/client login

I'm trying to add some very specific functionality to my site, and I'm hoping that either a Support Hero will see this and make it happen, or maybe someone who knows much more about site customization/coding than I do can help me do it with what is already there.
I got really excited when I saw the "Events" feature, that lets visitors choose favorites that I can then see or that they can come back to later. However, I don't want to use this for events, I want it to be built in to my galleries so that anyone who is visiting my site will see the "Add to Favorites" heart button any time they visit my galleries. If they click it, they will then be prompted to register, much as they are when visiting an event page currently.
So far so good - I lack the coding knowledge myself, but I'm guessing that much could be done just by basically making my whole site an event, but coding it so it didn't look that way or say anything about events. However, what I would really like is to replace the functionality of emailing a custom link to someone when they register with simply creating an account on my site and logging them in. Once they input their name & email (and perhaps a password?), they are in.
I would then like to also have a "Login" button on my site, so that returning visitors who have previously marked favorites can simply login on my page to see their favorites or continue adding favorites, rather than having to dig up the email from whenever they registered.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible with what is already built-in, and if not, will a Hero PLEASE consider adding this in? I was literally in the process of having a completely new website developed on a different platform just so I could do something like this when the new SmugMug was announced, and if I can make this happen, it would be enough to keep me with SM indefinitely.
I got really excited when I saw the "Events" feature, that lets visitors choose favorites that I can then see or that they can come back to later. However, I don't want to use this for events, I want it to be built in to my galleries so that anyone who is visiting my site will see the "Add to Favorites" heart button any time they visit my galleries. If they click it, they will then be prompted to register, much as they are when visiting an event page currently.
So far so good - I lack the coding knowledge myself, but I'm guessing that much could be done just by basically making my whole site an event, but coding it so it didn't look that way or say anything about events. However, what I would really like is to replace the functionality of emailing a custom link to someone when they register with simply creating an account on my site and logging them in. Once they input their name & email (and perhaps a password?), they are in.
I would then like to also have a "Login" button on my site, so that returning visitors who have previously marked favorites can simply login on my page to see their favorites or continue adding favorites, rather than having to dig up the email from whenever they registered.
Can anyone tell me if this is possible with what is already built-in, and if not, will a Hero PLEASE consider adding this in? I was literally in the process of having a completely new website developed on a different platform just so I could do something like this when the new SmugMug was announced, and if I can make this happen, it would be enough to keep me with SM indefinitely.
While it is possible to use JavaScript on the new SmugMug with a lot of finagling (it's what I use on my own site), SmugMug could cut that off at any time, so it'd be a terrible idea to base a business on it.
FastLineMedia seem to have negotiated the ability to use JavaScript on the new SmugMug. You could try getting a quote from them to build such a system, but I wouldn't be surprised if it starts at US$10K and has a yearly service contract attached, just from the scope of work I know would be involved.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
PLEASE SmugMug???