What is happening with Communities?
The Communities were one of the things that attracted many of us to Smugmug, what is happening with them? The new layouts don't support communities, but we have been told that this is because Smug didn't have time to make them supportive, and to "watch this space". Is this just placating PR or will the new Smug support Communities eventually?
We were also told that "not to worry, the legacy set-up would continue to support communities, but yesterday glitches started to appear in the legacy communities.
I don't want a complicated answer, just a simple yes/no, will Smug continue to support Communities?
We were also told that "not to worry, the legacy set-up would continue to support communities, but yesterday glitches started to appear in the legacy communities.
I don't want a complicated answer, just a simple yes/no, will Smug continue to support Communities?
I'm sorry. I would love to give you a simple answer, but we just don't know yet what will happen with them. As with a few other legacy features, they didn't make the cut with this release. They are only used by a relatively small proportion of SmugMuggers, but those who use them are very passionate about them.
That puts us in a difficult position. Do we spend the engineering, design, and product resources on communities, improving a feature that more people use, or building a new feature entirely? So far we just haven't made a decision on that yet. We're busy fixing bugs and improving the new SmugMug platform.
But what about the bugs in the legacy system that we were assured would continue unaffected for some time? Communities aren't working properly in the legacy Smug now either. I'm concerned that your answer was the anodyne PR that I expected. It seems clear that you've decided communities aren't worth supporting, I'd love to be proven wrong, but the writing has been on the wall for a long time now