Bug: Keyword indexing not working - Affects smart galleries etc
Seems keyword indexing dont work and the effect is that Smart Galleries with excluding these keywords dont work.
Use case:
1. Added keywords to images.
2. Created a smart gallery based on both include AND exclude of keyword rules (match rules: ALL)
3. Refreshed smart gallery
4. Result: It does NOT exclude images with the excluded keywords
* When editing caption & keywords: Images have the keywords on them
* When checking keyword page, the keyword is not found
* Sometimes, keywords are saved with ; instead och , as separator
The keywords are not indexed, even as they are on images. Therefore they are not excluded from my smart gallery.
Questions to SM:
1. Any existing bugs for keyword indexing ?
2. Any possibility to see indexing-status (on legacy SM we could see it by "indexing: <keyword>") ?
3. How long time does it take to index a keyword?
Seems keyword indexing dont work and the effect is that Smart Galleries with excluding these keywords dont work.
Use case:
1. Added keywords to images.
2. Created a smart gallery based on both include AND exclude of keyword rules (match rules: ALL)
3. Refreshed smart gallery
4. Result: It does NOT exclude images with the excluded keywords
* When editing caption & keywords: Images have the keywords on them
* When checking keyword page, the keyword is not found
* Sometimes, keywords are saved with ; instead och , as separator
The keywords are not indexed, even as they are on images. Therefore they are not excluded from my smart gallery.
Questions to SM:
1. Any existing bugs for keyword indexing ?
2. Any possibility to see indexing-status (on legacy SM we could see it by "indexing: <keyword>") ?
3. How long time does it take to index a keyword?
This is quite a nasty problem for me because my whole structure of galleries depends on smart galleries based on keywords.
Smugmug? Any comment on this?
Photo Blog
Oki thanks, great to hear that it's under the loupe
Sorry to be a little pushy, i'm broadly very happy with the new Smugmug, but this is affecting something that is 'core functionality' for me - do you have a guide figure for how long it *should* be taking under the current workload? I don't recall simple backlogs taking this long to process through before, and i'd hoped things would have been gradually improving now we're nearly 2 weeks into The New Hotness?
At the time of writing i'm now at 33+ hours waiting for (most) of my images uploaded on Saturday to be properly indexed. (Just as a test, I've just searched on the 'date' tag (10082013) I gave all that days images, and it comes up with only 26 results (apparently at random) out of over 150 images uploaded)
If you're going to tell me it's currently taking multiple days to do this at present that's fine, i'll leave it a couple of days before checking back, i'm just a little worried there is something more than load going on, as i'd suffered from 'stuck' galleries less than a month before on old Smugmug.
This makes the search a laughable function, and ditto the status of my smart galleries.
Please can you let us know what the problem is, and when it might be resolved.
If there is really no other problem, then i have currently 3 photos in 6 hours being progressed. So indexing keywords should take as much time...
* Number that come up with a search on a keyword they all had (as part of the filename) - 46 of 238
* Number that show up on 'Latest' - 45 of 238
* Number that appear to have indexed properly to (any of!) the galleries they were supposed to - 0 of 238
*I reset the smart gallery terms on some galleries that should have seen images from those 46, refreshed, Number that have indexed properly - still 0 of 238
*Created a temp test gallery, gave it the smart term as per the search in step 1 - smart gallery has 0 images in it
*Created second temp test gallery, gave it the date 10th Aug as a smart term - all 238 images found
Sorry guys, I think it's broken not slow, your system knows those images exist, but a keyword search can't find most of them. Even on the ones where you can search and your system has indexed and can find the keyword in a search, the smart gallery system still will not find them...
Well... i changed a keyword in about 20 photos and right after i did that the search did not find any of these images. This was about 24h ago.
Now the search finds about half of the photos with the replaced keyword. So it really looks like the indexer is working, it's just horrible slow.
I wonder if that is going to be normal for now and in the future or if the indexer is someday going back to be faster even when people continue to upload new photos.
On weekend there will be great fireworks for about three days. That will be 200-300 photos. With a indexer being slow like that the recent photos block or the keyword search will take weeks or months to catch up. :cry
Photo Blog
Thanks for the reply... so we just need to wait a bit longer.
Will also check back in another day.... since i have family waiting on me now. :-(
I have
1. Added keywords to images.
2. Created a smart gallery based on Keywords
3. Refreshed smart gallery
4. Result: It does NOT fetch images with the keyword(s)
* When viewing images (logged out): Images have the keywords on them
* Did another test to with a different rule base on date. RESULT: It fetched the images correctly
* The keywords are NOT listed in the keywords list
* When changing the rule from Keywords to Gallery the Gallery will not show up
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." (Einstein)
I've asked Support to list the current lag time on the status page so I could at least understand how far behind the indexer was, but all I hear is crickets on that request.
The indexer also seems to have a more serious problem in that is sometimes fails to index photos properly even after it runs against a photo. I've started a new thread under bugs for this issue. http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?p=1916687#post1916687
After losing hours of my life trying to figure out why something I have done frequently is no longer working as expected, I finally am searching for answers here.
To share photos with friends, or with clients, I often tag the images I want them to see with an index keyword, then create a smart gallery based on that keyword, then create a share group containing that smart gallery. Since I want the photos to be pw protected and unlisted, I assign a pw to the smart gallery and then assign this same pw to the sharegroup pw access. Then I share the url and the pw with whomever and they use that to access the photos I want them to see. It's been a snap! I've had no problems with this and it has been a great way to only flag some of my protected photos for viewing by third parties.
I tried doing this same set up (starting on Sat.) and it didn't work. "Didn't work" looks like this: the smart gallery creates beautifully (to me as a signed in SM user) and no problems setting up the share group. I test by signing in with the sharegroup url from another browser. I can sign in with the password and am clearly "in" the gallery but there are only placeholders for the photos and no photos can be seen. (Looks like an box with a red "x" on it in IE and a broken document icon in Google.) Everything appears normal--layout, number and orientation of photos, descriptions, etc.--except I cannot see the photos.
Why can I not see the photos? I can still access and see other pw-protected/share grouped smart galleries I made in the past (the most recent one was at the end of the summer) but I can no longer, it seems, do what I have done before. (I'm still in legacy mode as I am loathe to switch over due to being busy with work and not wanting to take time away from work to figure out the new Smugmug.)
I'm trying to figure out if this is the same issue I've been having. Does "empty" mean even while signed in you cannot see the photos in the smart gallery you created? Or is it only appear empty if you share that link with a non-smugmug account holder? I'm asking because it appears that I'm able to use keywords and create smart galleries as before--everything pulls in beautifully. But the photos aren't really "there" when I try to share this link with someone else (meaning they can sign in or access the gallery but there are only placeholders there instead of photos.)
Hours later and my smart gallery still is hiding images. (Not to me as a signed-on user, but I can't give out a link to images because the gallery loads but the images are only place-holders.) I posted this problem again as a separate thread, with more detail.
My biggest discovery was that my hidden image problem was only occurring with smart gallery images. (I have two layers of pw lock-down so worried at first there was something wrong with my permissions' settings. But I'm able to set up everything as expected as long as a smart gallery isn't in the loop. The share group part of the equation also doesn't seem to figure in since I can create share groups, just not including smart galleries since those galleries will allow access but will not show the images.) Internally when creating a smart gallery it appears the images have indexed (the term shows up in the keyword list and the preview populates the smart gallery and it also appears as a populated gallery on my homepage). But something is wrong because the gallery is still not populated with images from the link I send out.
I finally gave up and just uploaded the images I needed to provide a link to, again, to their own separate pw protected gallery and just gave the link to that. I obviously don't think it's good practice to double load everything into separate galleries but I need to move on and this allows me to do so! I'm washing my hands of this for today.