Recent photos update sporadically
I set up a page with a content box for recent photos. The updates to recent photos is sporadic. Sometimes the update with recent photos is shortly after they are posted, sometimes there is a time lag which can be several hours and at times some recent photos do not appear at all. These photos are all posted in public galleries and all new photos. They are not updates to existing photos.
The updates to galleries works well and I've experienced no problems with that feature.
The updates to galleries works well and I've experienced no problems with that feature.
Hopefully that get fixed soon ...
Photo Blog
Well... it worked a few days before much, much faster. I'm now waiting for the uploads to show up in RECENT PHOTOs for about 18h. One photo i uploaded later is already there, some of the other photos i uploaded before are still missing.
I got feedback from the support and there does not seem to be a problem with my site so i think this is something generic as others seem to have the same problem.
Same here... i got one more photo in about 24h. The support team told me to wait another day. If it goes like that my other photos will take two weeks to show up
One interesting thing, probably only a third of my Saturday images (uploaded 33 hours ago) have appeared in my Recent photo's feed, but some that were there 24 hours ago (about 7 hours after upload) now don't appear there anymore! That seems a curious thing if it's just a simple indexing backlog, surely they should be gradually appearing, and not coming and going?
I've got one more... but uploaded two other photos while waiting. That server load must be enormous...
At least none of the photos disappeared like also mentioned by Gloriousnse.
(Posted from my mobile)
I now added recent galleries to my activity site and it's funny to see that a gallery get on top of that recent galleries list while the uploaded photo to that gallery does not yet show up on recent photos list.
Anyway... there seem to be activity. Keyword indexing for my smart galleries is still way behind.
I'll keep on waiting
Hopefully the indexer will finish soon so we can go back to normal...
This is just frustrating.
Causing havoc!
Well... i got a reply within 24h where i was told to wait another 24h so see if that problem is fixed. I think that was on monday. I did not reply to that mail since it really seem to be an indexing problem. And there is a little bit of activity. Today i got one more photo being indexed with the new keyword. The search does already find that photo... smartgallery still way behind.
Instead of removing the RecentPhotos i added RecentGalleries. These gallery icons seem to get updated very quick (less then 3h
I'll keep on waiting... but for photos i uploaded on sunday night SM is currently 3 days behind.
EDIT: Yeah, the SmartGallery got updated! The indexer still have some work to do, not all photos are there.
edit - Nooooo!!!!!!! And now they've gone again. There were there for maybe 4 or 5 minutes!!! What is going on! :bash
Mine are still there... but really... i'm really not amused anymore.
I loved SM at first sight because of the nice support, the well working hosting service. But now? Looks like they want to beat flickr in slowness.
EDIT: And while writing this one more photo appeared on my recent photos list. Anyway... no new photo from uploads in the past three days. So indexer is still three days behind... Hooray
Photo Blog