Slideshow settings question

Have a single gallery I want to set to slide show. Fine, no problem - found that easily under the gallery settings.
HOWEVER. How do I adjust the settings of the slide show, eg dissolve, start options, time between images etc etc? Even if I go to customisation, that area is just labelled "Smugmug default content", and doesn't give me any way to access those settings. Thanks in advance!
HOWEVER. How do I adjust the settings of the slide show, eg dissolve, start options, time between images etc etc? Even if I go to customisation, that area is just labelled "Smugmug default content", and doesn't give me any way to access those settings. Thanks in advance!
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I typically avoid CSS as previous efforts have been disastrous, although if somebody can talk me through EXACTLY what needs to be done I'm willing to give it a try.................
Yeah, you can't edit the Gallery slideshow settings, but you can if you use a Slideshow block. You nailed it right on the head when you said "Maybe I have to do it as a page instead of a gallery, and just link back to the gallery". That is your best solution.
Photo Blog
Slideshows need work.
We are all waiting for improvements and trying to get things to work like they used to.
Sorry no one answered your question. I guess there is no good answer.