Communities not working
We all know that Smug decided not to support Communities in the new layouts, much to the annoyance of many of us, great customer care there by the way. But we were assured that Communities would continue to be supported by legacy Smug. However, within a week there are now major glitches with communities in legacy Smug too. You know what these are, so please don't ask for links etc, Images are simply not showing up anymore on community homepages :scratch
Photo Blog
This is not working yet. It's a shame to lose the features.
Apart from being frustrating, and disrupting the wonderful social side of Smugmug, this is now costing us money. Many of us are noticing drastic drops in the viewing figures of our images. This isn't about popularity or vanity, it is about our profile as professional photographers and sales. On an average day we used to get thousands of views of our images in the popular communities, now some of them are down to single figures. I've seen discussions in social media about contacting lawyers, has it really come to this. I hate being so negative, and I seem to be posting nothing but complaints these days, but the feelings of frustration and anger are growing day by day.
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