I really like this picture, it is very clever. I don't think it needs much changing unless you wanted to try curves and brightness, but I like it quite the way it is.
Hi, rsinmadrid
I like this reflection alot. It looks like a painting to me.
I don't like to edit my photos much.
I would crop out the doors on the right side.
That would make the big reflection the main subject.
I like the photo to show it like I seen it.
What do I know I have not had a top 10 photo yet.
Good Luck in the contest.
There are alot of good photographer on this site so, if you get top
ten I think you have don't great.
From what I have seen so far for the contest yours would be in my top
ten list.
I would crop out the doors on the right side.
That would make the big reflection the main subject.
I like the photo to show it like I seen it.
Take Care,
Charles Cassidy,
Hey Chuck,
I took your suggestion and cropped out the other windows but after a bit of thought I decided that I prefer the version that includes them. It better captured what I saw. The blue of the sky and white of the statues stood out partly because they were surrounded by a somber old building. The balcony was actually on the third floor of a five story building on a rather narrow street. I think the brightness of the reflection should make it pretty clear what the subject is .
Thanks a lot for your comments. The competition here is certainly daunting for a newbie photographer like myself, but I have learned a lot just by participating in the challenge.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
I'd try curves or shadow/highlight to bring it out a little more.
At first I didn't even think it was a reflection -- but then I can be dense sometimes!
I like this one better. What do you think?
I like this reflection alot. It looks like a painting to me.
I don't like to edit my photos much.
I would crop out the doors on the right side.
That would make the big reflection the main subject.
I like the photo to show it like I seen it.
What do I know I have not had a top 10 photo yet.
Good Luck in the contest.
There are alot of good photographer on this site so, if you get top
ten I think you have don't great.
From what I have seen so far for the contest yours would be in my top
ten list.
Take Care,
Charles Cassidy,
Aperture Focus Photography
I took your suggestion and cropped out the other windows but after a bit of thought I decided that I prefer the version that includes them. It better captured what I saw. The blue of the sky and white of the statues stood out partly because they were surrounded by a somber old building. The balcony was actually on the third floor of a five story building on a rather narrow street. I think the brightness of the reflection should make it pretty clear what the subject is
Thanks a lot for your comments. The competition here is certainly daunting for a newbie photographer like myself, but I have learned a lot just by participating in the challenge.