Blog Workaround
I've been looking at ways to incorporate blog directly in the hope that SM will eventually add this functionality. I don't like the feed import option since it only gives very limited control over the display.
I've come up with an alternative that uses the formatting functionality and html access of Blogger together with the html content box and pages in SM.
At the moment clicking on the link 'words' takes you to this version (the link 'blog' just links to my blogspot blog.) The initial page is an index page - it's rough and ready at the moment and I will either restyle it or drop it altogether if I come up with a better way to search.
Clicking on any of the listed articles will take you to a new page, each of which has five posts. From within these pages it is possible to move back and forward to other pages.
While there is more work involved than with blogger a lot of it is a matter of copy and paste once the initial layout is decided.
Thoughts or comments would be welcome. I'm completely new to the world of html and css and have been doing all this with the help of If there are easier ways I would love to know them, or of anyone wants more info on how I set mine up let me know.
I'm at
I've come up with an alternative that uses the formatting functionality and html access of Blogger together with the html content box and pages in SM.
At the moment clicking on the link 'words' takes you to this version (the link 'blog' just links to my blogspot blog.) The initial page is an index page - it's rough and ready at the moment and I will either restyle it or drop it altogether if I come up with a better way to search.
Clicking on any of the listed articles will take you to a new page, each of which has five posts. From within these pages it is possible to move back and forward to other pages.
While there is more work involved than with blogger a lot of it is a matter of copy and paste once the initial layout is decided.
Thoughts or comments would be welcome. I'm completely new to the world of html and css and have been doing all this with the help of If there are easier ways I would love to know them, or of anyone wants more info on how I set mine up let me know.
I'm at
I am currently working on intergrading my blog as well ( I have not unveiled yet). I have seen where someone has used their RSS feed for their Smugmug site and I don't think it looks all that bad here their site I know what you mean by loosing a lot of the functionality of your blogger though I find myself wanting more on your "words" page. The biggest part of us photographers is the pictures I feel that is what brings the audience in to want to read more. So with out that I feel like your less likely to get people looking. Though you might have the other side of that where people just read the title and have them wondering "umm wonder what this is about". So with that being said if you kept it the way it is I find that there is a lot of empty space and also the the layout is a little off. Maybe add a picture's using the multiple picture box and have it say "What you'll see in my blog". I don't know just a thought of mine take it for what it is.
The next challenge is to see if there is a way to create a keyword system for blog postings so I can have some element of search.