Years for Categories
It would be great if there was a built in "year" level where you selected a year for a Category (2012, 2013) and the category automatically went into the year tier. So, you could have the same Category name in multiple years. I realize there is already a 3-tiered structure (Category, Subcategory, Gallery) but I have many Categories with multiple subcategories and galleries which I can't break down more to utilize the year as the Category. I'm going back and renaming Categories to add the year but it makes for many unorganized categories on my site. I use SmugMug for my daughter's gymnastics team pictures. However, I use Phanfare for my family's personal pictures and this year structure exists which is great.
If this is the old Smug then just create a "custom" top level category for "2013" and then a sub category for "Family" etc.
I've been doing this for years for my site and when I migrated to Smug 2.0 my site was already organized for me exactly that way.
In Smug 2.0 it's as simple as creating folders i.e Categories are Folders ...
Did I miss something ?