Page Number Counter in Galleries
In the "new" smugmug at the gallery level; if you have multiple pages of images in the gallery; there is a little widget at the bottom that shows:
current page number - down arrow - and total number of pages
The bug is that if there are more than 9 pages in the gallery, the "down arrow" symbol covers up the number of pages.
For example... this gallery has 48 pages in it yet the arrow covers up the "4" so it looks like there are only 8 pages...
current page number - down arrow - and total number of pages
The bug is that if there are more than 9 pages in the gallery, the "down arrow" symbol covers up the number of pages.
For example... this gallery has 48 pages in it yet the arrow covers up the "4" so it looks like there are only 8 pages...

Yes, I have the same problem too.
It's worse than that - all my galleries (SmugMug or "Willow" design default) have this problem even with less than 10 gallery pages (Firefox 22.0 on Win 8):
I'm using Opera12 on Windows and everything is fine. On linux with Opera12 it looks like that (should be page 1/20 inside a SM gallery view):
I used that inside of a side-wide CSS box for my SM gallery views. Seem to be OK on firefox/opera/konqueror. Sure that should be fixed by SM but as long as they don't fix it.... feedback from other browsers is welcome...
FWIW, my workaround is:
No idea how it looks on anything other than my setup though.