Unusual Request

I'm setting up a smug-mug site as a favor to a friend you is not exactly technologically savvy, basically he can't figure out how to create galleries. He runs a sleep-away summer camp that just started and is using smugmug to post pictures of the campers so their parents can check in from home and see what a great time their kids are having. He plans to upload photos each night, and wants to upload them into daily galleries (e.g. Day One, Day Two).
So I've created fourteen of these galleries and I created a page for them. My question is, is their some kind of css trick I can use to hide galleries that are empty. We are only on day 2 of camp, and having twelve empty galleries on the page doesn't look great.
I know this is unusual, and I doubt if anyone has an easy answer, I just thought that I would ask...
So I've created fourteen of these galleries and I created a page for them. My question is, is their some kind of css trick I can use to hide galleries that are empty. We are only on day 2 of camp, and having twelve empty galleries on the page doesn't look great.
I know this is unusual, and I doubt if anyone has an easy answer, I just thought that I would ask...
If you make the galleries "Private" or "Unlisted" while they are empty, they will not show to your visitors on the Page you set up. .Just flip the switch to Public after you upload your daily photos.
Photo Blog