change text color in content block when mouse over ?
How can i do that ?
I tried Menu/Basic/Text color : Default , Emphasized , Muted , Accent....
With no result ( with Accent text change to green)
Any Ideas ?
Thanks all
I tried Menu/Basic/Text color : Default , Emphasized , Muted , Accent....
With no result ( with Accent text change to green)
Any Ideas ?
Thanks all
You need to add custom CSS for something like this.
Do a quick google search for "change text color on mouseover with css" you will find a bunch of articles.
I assume this is for a link of some sort
Your text would look something like this
Blah blah blah <a class="hovercolor">this text will turn yellow</a> blah blah blah
and you would have css for the class "hovercolor
a.hovercolor:hover {
color: yellow ;