Mini Challenge # 170 - Winners
Well, considering the judging for this isn't going to be 'quite' as complex as that for the Eurovision song contest, I can't see any point in hanging about 
HMs to everyone who actually decided to have a go - especially those who 'went above and beyond' the call of duty and produced fresh images.
3rd is hammy's second shot 'dog + piano' ... particularly liked the use of a somewhat different reflective surface.
2nd GrandmaR's 'Cat as hat' shot ... apart from anything else, the idea, rapidly followed by photographic evidence of the reality ... of a feral feline balanced - somewhat precariously - on one's scalp, produced - amongst other responses - a smile
Winner - Alans Grins ... getting a live (presumably) insect in shot is not easy at the best of times, but coupled with a SP and no cam in frame is fair going.
So over to Alan for next round ... and best of luck to all.
No pics shown here, but link to relevant thread (and pics) repeated here for convenience.

HMs to everyone who actually decided to have a go - especially those who 'went above and beyond' the call of duty and produced fresh images.
3rd is hammy's second shot 'dog + piano' ... particularly liked the use of a somewhat different reflective surface.
2nd GrandmaR's 'Cat as hat' shot ... apart from anything else, the idea, rapidly followed by photographic evidence of the reality ... of a feral feline balanced - somewhat precariously - on one's scalp, produced - amongst other responses - a smile

Winner - Alans Grins ... getting a live (presumably) insect in shot is not easy at the best of times, but coupled with a SP and no cam in frame is fair going.
So over to Alan for next round ... and best of luck to all.
No pics shown here, but link to relevant thread (and pics) repeated here for convenience.
(mind you, all this hoo hah about supposed slimey bat treatment to foil the snickometer - seems anything goes these days - so will need a new saying soon )
Good job.
Reminds me of early days of macro (slide) - tempting wasps with sugar solution in back garden, wearing a hooded tyvek disposable CSI coverall ... still referred to as 'the wasp suit' in our house.