Random thumbnails missing
All of a sudden I have missing thumbnails in all galleries, just one or two here and there. If I click on the thumbnail I get the correct photograph but refreshing etc does not being the thumbnail back. Is this related to the current indexing issues in which case do we just give it more time to correct itself?
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
your competitors must be reading these forums and laughing there heads off at the mess you have created lol
just upload another 500 from a event today and still random missing images ? clients currently viewing and its making me look bad and im having to make excuses for YOU. dont you think you should be bloody well responding to us and telling us whats going on. your not so smug now are you Mugs
Same for me briefly this morning and I was a little concerned at first as it was affecting every gallery but it was back to normal soon enough.
Are you still having problems?
This is what a user sees.
This is what I see while logged in.
This is ridiculous. And NO they are not copied/collected images from a hidden gallery. This is in a public gallery, and these are recently uploaded images.