Favorites "heart" icon color in new Smug

Originally posted in the Pro Sales Support since this has a potential effect on sales, but I'm not getting any replies there.
After a couple back and forths with a Hero, I'm now at this stage:
My new stock smug theme, Moss, uses a dark grey color for all the "accent colors" which, it turns out, includes the heart icon for event favorites. In my situation this color rendered it impossible to tell if you had successfully fav'd a photo or not: the color was the same fav'd or un-fav'd.
A hero tells me that all I can do is change the accent colors setting. However this changes many elements of the theme site wide. I don't want that as it makes the site look ugly. All I really want to do is change to color of the heart icon itself (preferably back to the original red for selected).
Does anyone know of a work around? A snippet of CSS perhaps?
Thanks in advance.
After a couple back and forths with a Hero, I'm now at this stage:
My new stock smug theme, Moss, uses a dark grey color for all the "accent colors" which, it turns out, includes the heart icon for event favorites. In my situation this color rendered it impossible to tell if you had successfully fav'd a photo or not: the color was the same fav'd or un-fav'd.
A hero tells me that all I can do is change the accent colors setting. However this changes many elements of the theme site wide. I don't want that as it makes the site look ugly. All I really want to do is change to color of the heart icon itself (preferably back to the original red for selected).
Does anyone know of a work around? A snippet of CSS perhaps?
Thanks in advance.
http://www.smugocity.com/keyword/heart - does this help?
Camera - $1700, Lens - $900, Memories - Priceless | www.rhitusworld.com
Partially! That solves the color over the thumbnail, but I'm looking for the heart at the bottom of the screen when selecting a favorite.
That's what's not obvious enough in the color change between fav'd and not fav'd. I'm trying to get the "fav'd" (selected) color back to red.
See attached.
Thank you!
if you want the experts to have a look , you better include a link to your site
The events are closed of course, that's why it didn't occur to me.
But here you go, thank you: http://hyperionphoto.us/
You sir, are my savior
That was the final piece.
Thank you everyone.
Combining all the suggestions from up above into one block of code, this did the trick for me.