Show gallery description on 'Info style-Covering'

phaserbeamphaserbeam Registered Users Posts: 452 Major grins
edited August 27, 2013 in SmugMug Feature Requests
In gallery settings you can add a gallery description. This description is shown on info style 'Bottom bar' and info hover 'Show' in recent galleries block. See screenshot on the left.

If you create a custom page with a galleries block and select info style "Covering" and set info hover to 'Show/Hide' only the gallery name is shown. While there is more free space for the gallery description it is not being displayed. See screenshot on the right.

Feature Request:
Add an option like "Display gallery description in gallery info" so the description can be displayed on "Covering"-effect also. I don't like to display the description always, so an option would be welcome.


  • chrislundiechrislundie Registered Users Posts: 16 Big grins
    edited August 27, 2013
    I need the old hover back. This idea that my users get a search that returns video items in a block of squares is crazy. I need them to be able to know what each video title is, otherwise they have to click hundreds of video's to find one. i-md7CJQD-L.jpg
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