Wasted Space on Smugmug Gallery Style

James_FJames_F Registered Users Posts: 65 Big grins
edited August 15, 2013 in SmugMug Customization
While I've worked hard on how to deal with the new Smugmug, I'm concerned that there's too much wasted space on my gallery pages. See some of the gallery samples - jamesfarrell.smugmug.com (I have a power user account.) I've chosen to continue to use the "Smugmug" gallery design in new Smugmug because it seems to me to be the most efficient way to make visible the individual image captions that I've taken great pains to write over the years. I'm trying to tell a story instead of just posting an image that has no description.

HOWEVER .... while I generally like the new Smugmug web site design choices, I find the Smugmug gallery layout and the new designs lacking. Seems like they ran out of time or interest in fine tuning gallery designs. Specifically, I would like to be able to customize the image caption area on the Smugmug gallery design. There's too much wasted screen space. I want the option to enlarge the caption "container" (e.g., fill space to the right that's currently empty) and to be able to not show the keywords (but still have images key worded behind the scenes.) I'd like to be able to 'force' the image higher on the screen and have the image caption move higher with it and tighten up the margins of space under the image and above the caption (if the image was smaller, for example.) Full disclosure: Not all of my images are the same size (a problem that will take time to correct). Not sure if that contributes to the issue.

So, my question is can this issue be addressed by coding (which I have no clue how to do) or do I have to simply hope that Smugmug's design team tackles the problem some day?
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