[Fixed]Tilte, Caption, Keyword editor is breaking multiple work kewords.

guyguy Registered Users Posts: 191 Major grins
edited January 22, 2014 in Bug Reporting
This has been discussed in the support forum but not reported here. It's a bug that could mess up a lot of peoples keywords without them realizing it!

Here is an example:

The photo below shows comments & a single multi word keyword that was set in legacy SM.


So I go into edit photo deatails to make use of the new Title Field & update my comments, I make no changes to the keyword field but after saving the update I now have 4 separate keywords instead of 1!



  • pbandjpbandj Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2013
    +1 - yeah, that's pretty bad...I use plenty of multi-word keywords, like you. It'd be nice also if they would stop stripping the dashes out of keywords like "Red-tailed Hawk".
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2013
    pbandj wrote: »
    +1 - yeah, that's pretty bad...I use plenty of multi-word keywords, like you. It'd be nice also if they would stop stripping the dashes out of keywords like "Red-tailed Hawk".
    I have hundreds of bird keywords and found out early on that the dash wasn't allowed. I use an underline instead.
    • red_necked phalarope • red_shouldered hawk • red_tailed hawk • red_tailed hawk 'dark morph' •
    red_tailed hawk 'harlan's' • red_tailed hawk 'krider's' • red_throated loon

    I thought maybe a "required hyphen" might work but after playing with it couldn't make it happen. Smug wouldn't except the character. We need to ask/push them to allow this. Non-Br - ‑

    BTW, I have 2415 warble photos and they only allow a 1000 limit to show in the keyword gallery.
    They do show on the search page though and I fixed that page so a keyword can be selected.
    See post 15 http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=237468

    Idea just hit me, the link in the search has to use the _ but the displayed name can have a dash. I'll
    have to work on that. Edit: that worked, displayed KW now have dashes.
    • red-necked phalarope • red-shouldered hawk • red-tailed hawk • red-tailed hawk 'dark morph'
    • red-tailed hawk 'harlan's' • red-tailed hawk 'krider's' • red-throated loon
    Went thru and added caps plus () were applicable.
    Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's)
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2013
    Speculation: Smumug is trying to "help" users who enter multiple keywords separated by spaces.
    Side-effect: those who entered multi-word keywords are being "helped", which breaks their keywords rolleyes1.gif
    Potential fix: mark each keyword field "dirty" only if it has been changed by the user; when the user clicks the "Save" button, "clean" keyword fields are not "helped".
    Potential fix: stop "helping"! Put an instruction "separate keywords with commas" on the page.
    Workaround: when entering a new multi-word keyword, put a comma at the end - smugmug will recognize it as a single keyword and not "help".

    Edit (addn'l info): I wrote the above while looking at the bulk caption/keyword edit function within the organizer when viewing a gallery. It's just as bad (or perhaps worse) when viewing a single photo and clicking 'wrench icon'/Edit/Photo Details. In this case the keywords are separated by semi-colons!. Again, Smugmug "helps" us by putting semi-colons between the words when we click "Save". As above, you can prevent smugmug from "helping" you by putting a comma or semi-colon at the end of the multi-word keyword. But the comma or semi-colon is not preserved the way it is in the bulk system. So if you later open the Photo Details overlay, there is no comma or semi-colon in the Keywords field, and clicking "Save" will again break the multi-word keyword into multiple keywords.
  • guyguy Registered Users Posts: 191 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2013
    billw wrote: »
    But the comma or semi-colon is not preserved the way it is in the bulk system. So if you later open the Photo Details overlay, there is no comma or semi-colon in the Keywords field, and clicking "Save" will again break the multi-word keyword into multiple keywords.

    Exactly, this has the potential to break a lot of people's keywords & it isn't reasonable to expect people to have to recode their multi word keywords every single time they open the editor to work on a Title or Caption. Thats why I calling it a bug that needs to be fixed, thought I don't think SM has even acknowledged it yet!
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    This is horrible & would make me spend the rest of my life re-keywording just for SmugMug. It's especially a pain if you're already keywording for a number of sites (stock, etc.) & certainly don't want to waste your time re-doing millions of words just for one specific site! Must subscribe & stay on this til it's fixed.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - http://winsomeworks.com ... Handmade Photo Notecards: http://winsomeworks.etsy.com ... Framed/Matted work: http://anna-lisa-yoder.artistwebsites.com/galleries.html ... Scribbles: http://winsomeworks.blogspot.com
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    Hi Guy,

    I have had a heck of a time trying to recreate this. Can you confirm this still happens to you? If it is, do you mind if i test on one or 2 of your images? I will fix the keywords after.
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Hi Guy,

    I have had a heck of a time trying to recreate this. Can you confirm this still happens to you? If it is, do you mind if i test on one or 2 of your images? I will fix the keywords after.

    Here's the URL of a photo (I assume you have the power to be "me" and edit the photo info)

    Here's the photo info overlay:

    I click "Save", then open the photo info overlay again:
    Note the added semi-colons.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    billw wrote: »
    Here's the URL of a photo (I assume you have the power to be "me" and edit the photo info)

    Here's the photo info overlay:

    I click "Save", then open the photo info overlay again:

    Note the added semi-colons.
    Add a semi-colon after the multiple word keyword and see if it doesn't split them.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • pbandjpbandj Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    Add a semi-colon after the multiple word keyword and see if it doesn't split them.

    This is a workaround, but doesn't get around the fact that this is a bug, and many people, if they're going in to edit a caption or title, won't notice/remember to put a semicolon after their keywords if the keyword was correct to begin with.
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    pbandj wrote: »
    This is a workaround, but doesn't get around the fact that this is a bug, and many people, if they're going in to edit a caption or title, won't notice/remember to put a semicolon after their keywords if the keyword was correct to begin with.

    I noted this workaround in my post #4 in this thread.
  • billwbillw Registered Users Posts: 107 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    I have had a heck of a time trying to recreate this.
    The keyword field must contain one multi-word keyword with no comma or semi-colon on the end.

    If the keyword field contains "one two, three four" or "one two; three four" it will not be changed.

    In the bulk caption/keyword edit in the organizer, if the keyword field contains "one two," or "one two;" it will not be changed when you click Save.

    In the photo details overlay if the keyword field originally contains "one two," or "one two;" it will be displayed in the overlay as "one two" and will be changed to "one; two" when you click Save.
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited August 19, 2013
    Thanks! I was able to test this out. I am submitting to my Dev team.
  • guyguy Registered Users Posts: 191 Major grins
    edited August 19, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Thanks! I was able to test this out. I am submitting to my Dev team.

    Thanks, looks like you have seen what is happening so I didn't produce another example but feel free to use any of my photo files if you want to keep checking.
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited August 30, 2013
    Is there any status on this, did it make it to the active bug list or otherwise get addressed (or maybe fixed, I've been just avoiding it).
  • guyguy Registered Users Posts: 191 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2013
    Ferguson wrote: »
    Is there any status on this, did it make it to the active bug list or otherwise get addressed (or maybe fixed, I've been just avoiding it).

    Still Broken any attempt to edit Title or Caption at the individual photo gallery level will break any multi word keywords unless you remember to re quote them before closing the editor even if you never enter the keyword field.

    Michael - Shouldn't this be on your active Bug List? I don't see it there.
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited September 2, 2013
  • devbobodevbobo Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,339 SmugMug Employee
    edited January 22, 2014
    This is fixed live.
    David Parry
    SmugMug API Developer
    My Photos
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