[Resolved] Photo Title lost with replace photo
I've noticed that the photo title is cleared when you replace a photo (upload to same filename). The captions remain (as they should) but I also think the title should remain.
I just wrote some captions (in Lightroom) on all my portfolio shots, and re-uploaded them using the latest Lightroom/SmugMug plugin and now I have no titles on SmugMug, just captions.
Not sure if this is the same bug, or something specific to the Lightroom plugin
I just uploaded a new photo from Lightroom - using the same publish service as before - and the title was ok, but the updated photos i uploaded yesterday lost their titles
Now that I know this I am filling in the title and description information in the EXIF. When I upload the title and captions are already there. I believe there is no bug and it's working as it should. Perhaps some documentation or an option not to import EXIF info into the title / caption area.
Before concluding that this isn't a bug, please consider the workflow that some of us use to maintain titles & captions within SM (not within Lightroom, etc. pre-upload)...
SM might read those values from XMP.
There is at least one bug when Title and Caption having the same text/string (3.)
On my first tests I couldn't see anything strange when replacing an image. Seems it depends how metadata is written or a file was touched.
My expectation:
If Title and Caption holds the same text/string, both should be shown as such
Started with an image on which Title = "Title" and Caption = "Caption"
- normal
- uploaded 1., than replaced by 1.: still good
- same as 1. but before uploading I changed Title&Caption both to "Title": only Caption has a value, Title is empty = bad
- uploaded 3. again, than setting both Caption and Title to "Title" online; both remained = good.
- made an online copy of 4. and replaced it by 3: both remained = good - not the same effect as on 3.
- uploaded the image with empty Title/Caption, than maintained it online. Title = "Title" and Caption = "Caption" and later replaced it several times again with empty Title/Caption. Both fields remained = bad, because both should be empty/replaced now.
- made an online copy of 6. (Title = "Title" and Caption = "Caption") Before replacing it, the replacement was touched by PS (enlarged by 2px) and Title/Caption were removed.
Hope this makes sense somehow to someone. Probably to the Heroes/SM's coders.So far all offline changes to Title/Caption have been done with a tool which only changes XMP data.
Again only Caption is shown, Title is empty = bad, because both should be empty/replaced now.
If I take the "replace duplicates" option when uploading images to an existing gallery, the caption and keywords are not disturbed but the title is removed for all replaced images.
This is all the more galling given that titles can only be added (and thereby replaced) one image at a time, not in bulk using the Organiser as for captions and keywords! Is a fix/feature request for this design anomaly also in the works and reaching the top of the list?
SmugMug Support Hero
Just to know it's acknowledged as a bug would be appreciated. I can accept that scheduling the developer time to change the line of code in error may take a little longer!
Photo Blog
Can you confirm that this is still happening? If I use the uploader and choose replace duplicates, the title remains intact.
Photo Blog
BTW, I'm using the Upload > This gallery function.
And, before you ask, the problem exists with the very latest version of at least three different browsers - Safari, Firefox and Chrome!
Looks like another reason not to use titles... :-/
It is a real pain, to find that photos replaced (for example due to keyword changes) suddenly lose their titles. It's NOVEMBER and this problem was introduced at the beginning of the new system, and seems to be ignored.
It seems to happen every time with me, I have thousands and thousands of untitled photos out there now. This seems like a simple, straightforward BUG, not a feature, not a question like lower/upper case where it might break something to fix -- it's just BROKEN. Please, can someone look into this?
Still happening, and I did some digging to find where Lightroom stores the title and caption metadata.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thank you very much for fixing the clearing/blanking issue. Titles no longer disappear! Woo hoo!!!
However, titles don't get updated either. They're not empty, but they're not changed to match the latest upload. Captions are changed, however.
What method are you using to upload photos ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
He needs to send the "X-Smug-Title" header as outlined here.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks for the quick reply and the detailed info. I'll pass it along to Jeffrey Friedl. So to be clear, not updating the title and caption on replace is as designed unless explicitly done via the API, right?