Define what "recent photos" mean
Recent photos appear to be defined as recently added. There are other kinds of recent too:
Recently taken (photo's creation date), recently modified, ...
It would be great to be able to specify what recent means for a site, or content block on a page.
Recently taken (photo's creation date), recently modified, ...
It would be great to be able to specify what recent means for a site, or content block on a page.
My Website index | My Blog
If you wanted to do it by when they were taken/modified etc you could always create a Gallery called 'Recent' and then you could choose exactly what goes in there and which order they are in. That would be very easy to do!
Assuming smugmug hasn't mixed up the Date Taken/Date Modified fields!
The Info overlay shows only "Date" and it is the Date Modified. There are threads asking that this be Date Taken, or that both dates be displayed.
The idea is that recent photos folders could be updated atomatically.
(The actual set up needs to choose begining and end of the period .)
Sure they did... big failure IMHO. No visitor is interested when the photo was last modified... more when it was shot.
Think of landscape shots taken at a specific place at a specific time to get the light you want. Tooo bad peoples cannot visit that place at the same time if you edit the photo half a year later. Of course i could modify the EXIF-data after i edited the photo... but should we work around bugs in SM?
Best thing you can do is to rename your photos according to EXIF date and time taken and let the filename be displayed in the photo info box. Alternative is to not use gimp/photoshop after converted your photos from RAW to JPG.
Sidenote: using imagemagick on linux to crop photos does not seem to affect date+time modified.
I completely agree that SmugMug needs to define the "Recent Photos" block. AND that they need to actually stick to their definition! (Idk if the bug from Legacy's "Recent Photos" transferred itself to New Smug, but "Recent Photos" in Legacy has had an un-wanted definition for awhile there. The box includes any photos I've recently cropped on SM, moved, color-corrected on SM, etc. That means they were simply recently modified, which is not what users or visitors expect to be the default. The default for "Recent Photos" should be recently uploaded!
If we'd want other options such as you've mentioned (including recently modified)... that's great... but first of all, yes, they need to define and hold to the definition of one certain meaning, and the default meaning should be recently uploaded.
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