Thumbs not filling space - only showing 16 at time

This started today, Sunday, 08-18-13. Going to any gallery, the thumbs only paint 16 images on each page even if there are multiple pages of images. On the next page of thumbs, they do start at the correct number - like page two starts with image 17. To the the general public, it looks like there are only 16 images in the gallery. BAD!!!! The legacy site is showing the thumbs correctly - so this is a New SM programming issue. I am still in Preview - not live. Here is a photo of this:
Interesting...I'm not seeing this on my site; it seems to be working OK for me. Since you haven't unveiled I can't check to see if I see the problem on your site. Do you see this on other people's sites? You're welcome to try mine...I just opened a trial account so that I could play with the new Smugmug before migrating:
Nothing fancy there...but that gallery has enough thumbnails for you to test.
Please post the link to the gallery you are seeing this behavior on
Photo Blog
Here is my web site (this is just a site I threw up to play with new Smugmug...not ready to convert my real site yet):
In Chrome, I am able to just resize the browser multiple ways and eventually it ends up with a broken set of thumbnails (missing spaces in the last row). It's as if the math got messed had been doing rows of four thumbnails (multiples of four) and I resized the browser in such a way that it decided to use rows of 5 thumbnails, but it was still counting in multiples of four. So it displayed 24 thumbnails like:
Row 1 - 5 thumbs
Row 2 - 5 thumbs
Row 3 - 5 thumbs
Row 4 - 5 thumbs
Row 5 - 4 thumbs
Screen shot of what happened:
Does it change for you as you resize your browser, even if you make the browser very narrow? Interesting that it's full time for you and intermittent for me...though if I resize various ways I see some pretty odd behavior. I just shrank Chrome and gradually expanded it, and this time I ended up with two rows of six thumbnails...only a total of 12 thumbnails even though there was plenty of space below to show more rows.
I still wonder if this is related to the other problem reported where the thumbnails don't refresh after a resize / navigate forward to the next page of thumbs.
I may have just stumbled on a way to "kinda" fix the issue. Had created a Search Dates page and the results showed tiny thumbs. Finally found that the layout page was set by default to FIXED, not stretchy and the Fill Height was at No. Changed those to Stretchy and Yes and the search results looked like normal size thumbs. Using SmugMug Theme. So, I just went and looked at my Entire site Layout and saw the Fill Height was on No. Changed it and the thumbs now fill up the page again! Went to various pages and found some doing the original problem. Went to Layout for All Folders and All Galleries and set the Fill Height to Yes (hmmm, seems like doing it at Entire Site would have set those?????). I now have consistent 5 rows across and 6 columns down thumbs all filled out. Before making those changes, adjusting the Chrome browser window size, like you, gave very squirrelly thumbs effects. There has got to be a bug here. After testing many galleries I see that the other Thumbs Bug I posted in the Bugs Section is still bugged! Sometimes when changing to a different page of thumbs in the same gallery, the set of thumbs stays stuck on the first set of thumbs while the image on the right is definitely pulling images from the other pages. makes no difference if using the arrow at the side of the thumbs or using the numbers at the bottom of the thumbs. This is intermittent for me. But I caught it happening at least 5 times tonight.
I will keep an eye out on those thumbs and see if it lasts!
That didn't fix the issue for me...I changed my "entire site" as well as my folders and galleries page to turn Fill Height on (they were already set to Stretchy). I can still monkey around with resizing Chrome and eventually I'll get some blank thumbnails in uneven thumbnail rows.
There is another thread that discusses the "stuck" thumbnails...the original poster in that thread says it happens after a resize, and I have found that to be the case. I can reproduce the issue consistently. If I resize the browser, then use the thumbnail navigation arrows to advance, the thumbnails stay stuck even though the main image changes.
I cannot recreate this on the link you provided earlier. Are you still seeing this?
Photo Blog
Michael, the other thread pbandj refers to is this: I just want to point out that the behavior described by pbandj above, and by me in the other thread, occurs 100% of the time on every unveiled site I've tested (including yours) with two different 15" MBPr laptops, using Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
Can't say for sure if this problem is directly related to what the OP of this thread describes but, depending on the particular array of thumbnails present when resizing a browser, I have also seen the layout of the thumbnails get borked.
The two behaviors do seem to both be a function of resizing the browser.
pbandj, are you experiencing the stuck thumbnails on a Mac or a PC? I'm curious if the problem might be isolated to MacBooks, or even Retina MacBooks (mbonocore said in the other thread that he didn't see the problem on an iMac and I've only been able to test so far on two identically configured MBP Retinas).
- Dave
I'm seeing both bugs (yours 100% of the time as well) on both Firefox and Chrome for Windows.
Well, that eliminates the Mac-specific theory. Thank you for clarifying that.
- Dave
- Dave
I believe what you describe here is covered by the fix that's being worked on. If I understand correctly, all manner of borked thumbnail-display caused by browser/gallery-object resizing should be taken care of.
The important thing is that Smugmug has now verified that they are aware of the bug and are working on it. I'm confident that we won't be waiting too long as this bug is obviously very significant in terms of the proper display and functionality of our galleries.
I requested that they post to my thread when the fix is deployed.
- Dave
"I will keep an eye out on those thumbs and see if it lasts!"
Well now I am back to where ALL my galleries will only show 16 thumbs per thumb page. So, if something was being done to fix the "stuck" thumb pages, it has affected the "number of showing" thumbs". This is without resizing browser. Back to show stopper for me. Mac OSX 10.6.8, Chrome latest.
Maybe the moderator can add to my heading for this thread - Problem Gone.