Weird computer display issue
I have been modifying my new smugmug site using the code I have learned on this forum. The code has worked great and I am very happy with how my site is shaping up. The problem is that the changes I have made are not present on all other computers. I have made my homepage slideshow have rounded corners with a drop shadow. I also made all the folders, galleries and photos have rounded corners. When I went to work today these changes were not present when viewing my site on the pc computers there. These computers do show some of the other changes I have made with the css code.I have an ipad and a iphone which do show the changes. I have a MAC laptop that does not show the changes. I asked a couple of my friends one sees the changes and one does not on their pc computers.
My site
Any ideas what may be the issue?
My site
Any ideas what may be the issue?