Collage Thumbmails Clipped Screen Right
This might have been reported already but I did a search and could not find any relevant threads.
When using "Stretchy" and Collage Layout the thumbnails that are on the right edge of the screen are being clipped. The screen grab below shows this. Look at the images with white frames on the right side of the screen - that makes it very obvious:
This can be resolved temporarily by toggling the browser from full screen to window and back, the initial gallery display will clip regardless of the browser screen mode. Here is a screen grab after the toggle:
in that grab all thumbnails have now been re-sized and are now showing no clipping. This behavior does not happen in "Fixed" Layout mode.
It happens both in Firefox and IE. I remember something similar happening back in the day when Stretchy first came out and Andy was able to fix this with some CSS code. Eventually the bug was fixed and the code was not needed anymore. I'd love to have that code again!!
This might have been reported already but I did a search and could not find any relevant threads.
When using "Stretchy" and Collage Layout the thumbnails that are on the right edge of the screen are being clipped. The screen grab below shows this. Look at the images with white frames on the right side of the screen - that makes it very obvious:
This can be resolved temporarily by toggling the browser from full screen to window and back, the initial gallery display will clip regardless of the browser screen mode. Here is a screen grab after the toggle:
in that grab all thumbnails have now been re-sized and are now showing no clipping. This behavior does not happen in "Fixed" Layout mode.
It happens both in Firefox and IE. I remember something similar happening back in the day when Stretchy first came out and Andy was able to fix this with some CSS code. Eventually the bug was fixed and the code was not needed anymore. I'd love to have that code again!!
The consensus of opinion is that when the gallery is first loaded, the image-size calculations are made on the assumption that the available width = the full width of the screen/window, hence a scroll-bar added afterwards clips the RH edge. A resize of that window (which now contains the scroll-bar) forces a recalculation based on a new value for the available width (window minus scroll-bar).
Did that make sense?
If so, I hope it helps.
To your CSS. Sorry, I'm not able to test that out myself at the moment. My original Montage Thumbnails customisation for Old-SmugMug included code which worked around this problem:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Photo Blog
Let me know if you want screenshots of the clipping.
On this page:
When I resize the browser window, it lays out the thumbs again and so stops clipping the images. I'm pretty sure it's caused by the scrollbar appearing after the layout of thumbs has already started, and will be more noticeable on Windows where the scrollbars are much fatter than on Mac.
If I add this CSS to your page:
The problem stops appearing.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Windows 7 - 64, Both Laptop and in Main Comp with Apple Display, Both on FF and IE
FF version is latest, so is IE.
That worked THANKS!!
Dead on the money analysis :ivar:ivar:ivar:ivar
Thanks, Lamah, you're a genius
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
I talked to our dev who is in charge of this, and she is on it this week.
Photo Blog
images are being cut off on the right side of my screen in the horizontal collage layout for my galleries.
This seems to occur when I first open a gallery but is corrected when I change the size of the browser window...from maximized to an arbitrary size or from a sized window to a maximized window. This also happens on several wide images within my homepage slideshow. This occurs in both Chrome and internet Explorer. Is this a bug? Has anyone else seen this problem?
SmugMug support has had this info for weeks, and I am still left without resolution. Release of my updated webpage is on hold until it can be resolved.
To fix it, add this to your CSS:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
That works! That's all it took? Weeks of frustration resolved. Thank you so much. You are my personal SmugMug Hero; all you need is some face paint.
BTW, I had previously been to your SmugMug customizations page and found it had some valuable ideas and problem fixes. You were already in my bookmarks. Thanks, again.
(This is currently still displaying as my legacy page. I'll have to get the upgrade unveiled soon.)
Photo Blog
I have this same problem on several computers, all Win7, confirmed on both Chrome and IE on each computer.
I've been seeking help on this from the Heroes for several days, and it was clear that the Hero in question (Kevin Wilson) knew nothing about the fact that others had reported the problem. I was told to empty cache, check zoom, etc (none of which worked). Its an embarassment to me because I'm now in the active marketing period for two events, and perceptive viewers can easily see the problem.
I insisted (had to insist a second time) on escalation, was finally told that it has been escalated. Heard nothing for 24 hours; but as I was writing this, just got an email that the escalating people had it and were working on it. No acknowledgment that they've known about it for two weeks.
And finally . . a major reason that we're all going thru this upgrade is to avoid css. A solution that requires css to fix a programming error is a lousy solution, at least for me.
If you can't tell, I'm disgusted. I've had some very good assistance from the Heroes, and some mediocre, but this is the worst yet.
That's more days than the number of code-characters that they'd need to use to fix this bug
Lamah's been kind enough to supply two sections of code - one for a quick&dirty fix and the other for a more elegant solution. Why couldn't SM apply the quick&dirty fix when it was provided, to give more time to work on something more robust?
In short, SM has been handed one problem and has been helped out by the provision of two solutions, and still we see no resultant action.
There's little point in us reporting the bugs if SM is going to treat with indifference our efforts to get them fixed.
Just add the CSS fix on the previous page to your theme's CSS. It fixes the problem.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
This is still in the queue to be fixed. We have alot of issues....I submit with my importance, but don't prioritize. I will update you as soon as it is fixed.
Photo Blog
Many thanks to Lamah for the CSS fix, which works for me as well as evidently for others.
But I hope that the Sorcerers and others keep in mind that this is NOT a great solution in the long (or medium) run. Will the official fix, if it ever happens, somehow be confounded by the CSS code which I've now had to add? As I recall, a lot of custom CSS was lost or distorted by the change to new SM. I don't know enough about css (nor do I want to) to answer these questions for myself. So . . I'm concerned that the use of CSS, especially with the underlying code being continualy tweaked to get rid of what appear to be many bugs, will introduce instability. Its a butt-saving necessity now, but I don't want to continue to need it.
And lest we forget, the following is from official SM materials:
Advanced Customization via HTML and CSS is still there for those of you who love it, but it’s really, truly optional now
I'm not one of those who love it, and its unfortunately not optional.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
BTW, I checked out your website . . some interesting customizations, and also some great photographs! I like your site design as well . ..
The code works properly in that when a Collage Landscape gallery is opened, the right-edges are fine. Open an image in Lightbox and then close it and the right-edges are still fine. But open an image in Lightbox, then make it full-screen, exit full-screen and then close Lightbox, and the right-edges are cut off as if the fix wasn't in place. A reload is needed to repair the edges.
Does anybody else see this?
FWIW: XP SP3, Firefox 24