Bulk Edit Keywords Busted

There is no way to bulk edit keywords of a keyword photo gallery. NewSmug or legacy.
Because they moved to bulk edit caption/keyword to organize this can no longer be done on the NewSite for a keyword gallery.
Last I looked they also busted this bulk method on legacy.
Now in a legacy keyword gallery clicking bulk edit captions/keywords opens "bulk edit
captions/keywords" page showing all photos from the gallery location of the first photo. Not the KW'ed
photos in this gallery. Busted!!
What we want/absolutely need is to bulk edit keywords. Clicking any keyword on any page or
under any photo will open a photo gallery for all photos with that one keyword. And that's were bulk
worked great on the legacy site removing/editing one KW everywhere.
Because they moved to bulk edit caption/keyword to organize this can no longer be done on the NewSite for a keyword gallery.
Last I looked they also busted this bulk method on legacy.
Now in a legacy keyword gallery clicking bulk edit captions/keywords opens "bulk edit
captions/keywords" page showing all photos from the gallery location of the first photo. Not the KW'ed
photos in this gallery. Busted!!
What we want/absolutely need is to bulk edit keywords. Clicking any keyword on any page or
under any photo will open a photo gallery for all photos with that one keyword. And that's were bulk
worked great on the legacy site removing/editing one KW everywhere.
FYI, this Legacy bug was reported on July 25:
Caption/Keyword Tool via Keyword Gallery
My Website index | My Blog
FYI, that feature request was logged here:
Restore Site-Wide Bulk Keyword/Caption Maintenance
Needs to be fixed.
My Website index | My Blog
Acknowledged would be a start. Would be nice to know if this is a bug or a feature.
My Website index | My Blog
Sorry to have to say this but I keep getting amazed at options and funcions (and functionabilities) that where there in old SM and are now gone.
Photo Blog
Please add to active bugs list.
Photo Blog
EDIT: Using Firefox.
The problem is not that you can't bulk edit keywords in a single gallery. The problem is that you can't bulk edit a particular keyword across all galleries, like you used to be able to do. This still doesn't work in legacy and no such feature ever existed in the new and improved smugmug.
I hope keyword/caption/title improvements are a high priority for the development team. The current implementation is ridiculous, inconsistent, and inefficient.