SmugMug needs a "definitions" page
I think you will find that the support people waste a lot of time with questions which are basically a matter of communication - and if there existed a "Definitions of words used in SmugMug" page somewhere it would make life a lot easier for new users - and for the support folks.
A lot of the problems users have is because - like programmers, medical laboratory workers, or artists, or mechanics - all specialists use a separate language, where ordinary english words have a meaning not understood by the stranger.
To a programmer "argument" has a meaning which is a mystery to a nonprogrammer.
To a British race car mechanic the word "big end bearing" has a very specific meaning.
To a medical lab person "hand washing" has a very specialized meaning - you will actually be taught how to do it and how to think about it. It can be a matter of life and death.
For example in dgrin forum it was suggested I "use Wufoo". - Now, I had never heard or even imagined such a word - in fact, is it a word, or what ? Has it a meaning? I googled it - but there are lots of words in SmugMug where googling wont help, because they are ordinary words with a specialized-to- SmugMug meaning.
Thanks for listening. Bill Wilson gbear.
A lot of the problems users have is because - like programmers, medical laboratory workers, or artists, or mechanics - all specialists use a separate language, where ordinary english words have a meaning not understood by the stranger.
To a programmer "argument" has a meaning which is a mystery to a nonprogrammer.
To a British race car mechanic the word "big end bearing" has a very specific meaning.
To a medical lab person "hand washing" has a very specialized meaning - you will actually be taught how to do it and how to think about it. It can be a matter of life and death.
For example in dgrin forum it was suggested I "use Wufoo". - Now, I had never heard or even imagined such a word - in fact, is it a word, or what ? Has it a meaning? I googled it - but there are lots of words in SmugMug where googling wont help, because they are ordinary words with a specialized-to- SmugMug meaning.
Thanks for listening. Bill Wilson gbear.
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The fact is, as far as I can tell, nobody has ever totally solved the difficulties of communication between computer experts and those people trying to use a specific program as a tool. I have encountered it in many different programs, and there simply is no really good solution. When SmugMug is able to catch up so the support Heros can answer within a couple of hours - that is about the BEST solution I have ever encountered. The new SmugMug is a great improvement, and a great site. Thanks for all your hard work.
Btw - where we will find out when the help system is able to return to the old level ?
Thanks, Bill Wilson (gbear).
This is a good start but I don’t think it's enough, for 2 reasons.
Zac Williams
Support Hero EndQuote
Would be better to make suggestion to a nomenclature page that worked. Just went there and cannot add any word in the search box.
Sorry about that - the service we use to host our help pages seems to be having issues at the moment. I see the same problem you do - the search box won't accept any text. Hopefully they get that fixed soon.
Support Hero
Nice to see that there exists such a page... but looks like SM was caught by its own mistakes: The case sensitive URLs.
Quote from the page:
If you add /Browse to your URL it will end up in a 404
Edit: Fixed
Support Hero
This is now fixed
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