Translation of the cart system in french

tcrauwelstcrauwels Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited August 21, 2013 in SmugMug Feature Requests

When the new smugmug was announced I hoped that the site would be translated in different languages.
Unfortunatly it was not a new feature of smugmug v2.

Would it be possible to have the cart system translated in french with meter units ?
My clients are european people who speak french and they have trouble to understand English and inch.

I know this feature has been asked several times.
I don't understand why it's still not possible to change the language of the cart. It should not be too hard to put in place... ?

With the old version I was using Google translate but it was not working very well.
Is there a hack to translate myself the cart system ?

Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
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