Still problems with random movies not playing!

So some days all my SM movies will play, other days some will & some wont.
This movie was playing fine for a couple of days after uploading but wont play at all today. Just tries to load forever but never does :^(
Tomorrow it may be a different movie that will stop working or the same one!
This has been going on since the upgrade.
This movie was playing fine for a couple of days after uploading but wont play at all today. Just tries to load forever but never does :^(
Tomorrow it may be a different movie that will stop working or the same one!
This has been going on since the upgrade.
Yes, I tried it for you as well... on Windows Vista with both FF and IE (both the latest updates) and the movie you linked to just keeps trying to load & won't ever play. That was the new SmugMug, right? [ETA: Just tried on Chrome as well. No go.]
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
:jawdrop :eek1 :puke
Possibly the worst OS ever created. You need to seriously upgrade.
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I have people telling me all the time that I shouldn't be still using CS4, or certain versions of LR, or I should shoot RAW (gee, wouldn't that be a dream) or I should have the big glass, or I should spend half my life re-doing my entire website, or why don't I have a camera that will always correctly auto-rotate everything internally. Yep, wouldn't it all be nice.
Fwiw, we haven't particularly experienced many of the Vista issues that others have... and the products since that have some highly un-enviable characteristics as well that don't make one jump up & down for joy. So there's that. Really almost all the problems I've had with it are related to its overly-zealous security sensitivity... i.e. wants one to sign in too frequently. Irritating, but less irritating than some issues on 7 & 8.... Anyway, we all do what we gotta do.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)