Allow a folder's feature image to come from outside the folder
On the new SM site, the dialog that lets one pick a feature image for a folder points only to galleries inside the folder. Since folders can now contain any mix of galleries, other folders, and pages, it is quite possible there are NO galleries -- only pages -- inside a folder. In that case, there is no way to set a feature image for that folder. The work-around, of course, is to insert an unlisted gallery in the folder, upload one picture, and use that for the feature image. Still, that seems round-about. So I'd request folders be like pages: the feature image can come from anywhere on the site.
An example of the problem and the workaround is on my sandbox site at (accessible only by SM folks). See the "Galleries by Year" folder. The organization of galleries on my site is topical, but I'm using a series of pages in this folder to provide an alternate way to navigate through them by year.
Jim Ringland
An example of the problem and the workaround is on my sandbox site at (accessible only by SM folks). See the "Galleries by Year" folder. The organization of galleries on my site is topical, but I'm using a series of pages in this folder to provide an alternate way to navigate through them by year.
Jim Ringland
Jim Ringland . . . . .