Changing to Power accont

Note that in two days (not today) my account is to change into a "Power" account.
So, I should still have the old format and wonder...
where are the metal prints?
where are the panoramas?
with the "Power" plan, will visitors be able to buy prints? or just me?
if I can't set custom pricing, can I make them "not for sale'?
PS - if the Power plan got implemented a few days early, that's nothing...I suppose I will have to deal with Bay Photo outside of SmugMug...
So, I should still have the old format and wonder...
where are the metal prints?
where are the panoramas?
with the "Power" plan, will visitors be able to buy prints? or just me?
if I can't set custom pricing, can I make them "not for sale'?
PS - if the Power plan got implemented a few days early, that's nothing...I suppose I will have to deal with Bay Photo outside of SmugMug...
If you set your galleries to allow purchases anyone can buy photos at smugmug's price. That means "at cost" with no money going to you. You can turn purchasing off for your galleries by setting them to printable no.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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Thanks Z - - I figured if I paid for a year under the old plan, it would not be downgraded until the next anniversary (the 25th) and, my credit card has not yet been charged.
Regardless, I'l love for you to check!
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Thanks Zac.
One more question: Is there anything that I need to do to "migrate" from my old account to the new Power version? I want to make sure external links still go to images of things I have for sale on Craigslist and eBay.
After you migrate, any old external links that you had across the web will not be affected. They should all still lead to your new SM Site
Photo Blog
Again I ask, is there any action I must take in order to migrate?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at