Keywords on videos

When clicking any keyword under a video the photos show up but videos do not. Same with search but
at least you can click "videos" or "photos and videos" and the do show. Seems the lookup methods are
related but it doesn't work for keywords.
at least you can click "videos" or "photos and videos" and the do show. Seems the lookup methods are
related but it doesn't work for keywords.
Can you give me a specific example on your site?
Photo Blog
Easy example on mine... Works on legacy, nothing found on new smug.
I think the general issue is that keyword links of any type only search photos, not videos, on the new site. If you go to the /keyword page on my sandbox site and click on "fish", you will see nine results. Do the same thing on my legacy site and the keyword search will find 10 entries. The difference is the video at (on the sandbox site). Same result if you click the "fish" keyword link on any picture that has the keyword. The picture right after the video, in the same gallery, has the "fish" keyword and exhibits this behavior.
(BTW, it's not a very good video, but the fisherman in question was happy I shot it.)
Jim Ringland
search 320 sort newest and those in the above gallery show
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If I search on the word "otter", and click "photos and videos" in the search results, I get this result: (there are 14 images found, including three videos, because I have the keyword "otter" on those three videos.
But the keyword page for "otter" doesn't show the videos: (I only get the 11 photos and no videos)
This is an obvious problem with several examples it in the queue to be fixed, or has anyone acknowledged the problem?
It's in the active bugs list:
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IE11 logged out using /keyword/bird_videos >> videos show up now (361)
FF26 logged out using /keyword/bird_videos >> videos show up now (361)
iPhone Safari logged out using /keyword/bird_videos >> videos show up now (361)
IE11 & FF26 Specific KW with photos and videos. Logged out both photos and videos show.
IE11 & FF26 Specific KW with photos and videos. Logged in NO videos show only photos.
IE11 logged in using /keyword/bird_videos >> No videos show
FF26 logged in using /keyword/bird_videos >> No videos show
FF26 logged in using smart gallery >> videos show up (361) (unveiled)
Even though the videos do not show logged in, the Combine with: and Related know they exist (sysyem /keyword page).
Related keywords: flycatchers pewees bird_videos col...
Combine with: +flycatchers +pewees +bird_videos +colorado birds+bird species photographed in missouri+missouri birds+rare_bird+singing birds
Funny thing is that KW bird_videos does not show when logged out in Related or Combine.
Logged out KW whooping crane
related keywords: birds in texas | shorebirds | cranes | deer
combine with: +birds in texas | +shorebirds | +cranes | +deer
Logged in KW whooping crane
Related keywords: birds in texas shorebirds cranes deer birds in indiana bird_videos
Combine with: +birds in texas+shorebirds+cranes+deer+birds in indiana+bird_videos
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Jim Ringland is still a legacy smugmug site; I'm pretty sure Allen hasn't unveiled yet. Allen -- Are you seeing the videos show up on your keyword pages in your migrated-but-not-unveiled NEW smugmug site?
NewSmug knows they exist because the KW shows in Combine and Related.
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The lack of bug fixes related to keywords has me wondering if there are patent/lawsuit issues involved. I can't imagine smugmug is just not capable of fixing these bugs after this long. Doesn't give me much confidence in the future of smugmug.