LR post-processing for dappled light?

mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
edited September 24, 2013 in Finishing School
I recently shot a birthday party in the morning under dappled light. Most pictures ended up ok because I moved people to full shade, but there are some I'd like to salvage with dappled light on faces, if I can...

I find myself cranking highlights way down and shadows way up, and that sometimes helps. Any other specific quick tricks for dealing with dappled light (short of massive processing, I mean - I'm not skilled enough to know how to adjust specific spots on the face, more just global changes). I use LR 5.



  • basfltbasflt Registered Users Posts: 1,882 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2013
    have you tried Adjustment Brush ?

    giving some sample images would be nice , so we know what you are talking about

    usually Adjustment Brush can do the trick
  • mthibodeaumthibodeau Registered Users Posts: 63 Big grins
    edited September 24, 2013
    Been really busy and forgot about this, but thanks for the tip, Bas - I got a little more mileage out of some images that way.
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