DNS Point to specific page?

Kind of off topic but here goes...
Is it possible to point one of my DNS records directly to a page?
Is it possible to point one of my DNS records directly to a page?
Rob Sirota
Web: www.robsirotaphotography.com • www.k9-pix.com • www.rsirota.com
Nikon... All Nikon (D4/D810/Dƒ)
... OK I do have a PhaseOne 645DF+ w/IQ250
Web: www.robsirotaphotography.com • www.k9-pix.com • www.rsirota.com
Nikon... All Nikon (D4/D810/Dƒ)
... OK I do have a PhaseOne 645DF+ w/IQ250
However, what some domain providers will do is change your DNS so that your domain name points to one of *their* webservers instead. Their webserver can then serve up a redirect to a page that you specify. So, assuming that your domain provider offers this feature, you could have somesubdomain.mysite.com redirect users' browsers to http://www.someothersite.com/somepage.html, and that's the new address that will show in the browser's address bar.
Every single page in that subdomain would redirect people, so somesubdomain.mysite.com can't redirect users to a page inside the same subdomain like http://somesubdomain.mysite.com/somepage.html (as that would cause an infinite loop of redirects).
The other service that domain name providers sometimes provide is framing: You can have http://somesubdomain.mysite.com/ appear in your user's address bar while the content of the page is actually loaded from some other address, like http://www.someotherwebsite.com/somepage.html (inside a browser "frame"). However, since the address in the address bar won't change as your visitors browse around your site, it basically breaks sharing links to pages and page bookmarks. And I'm not sure, but I don't think it is compatible with SmugMug (at the very least, opening links in a new tab would cause the frame to be broken and the true address to appear in the address bar instead).
If you're using GoDaddy, both of those options are described in their help here:
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
and SmugMug supports only a single custom URL for your site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
We do our own redirection on the backend to join up your account with the custom URL, that's why you point your domain to a generic CNAME and IP address instead of your specific account. However, the way that we do things precludes the chance of pointing multiple domains or sub-domains here directly, as we only support one in your account settings.
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