It's Baaacckkk!!!! - Random logout bug
It's back. Prior to the launch of the the NEW Smugmug, it seemed like the "random logout" bug had finally been fixed.
Well, it is happening again. I use Safari. Things I have noticed:
1) Startup computer in the morning - find I have been logged out. Happened three times in the last week (I am working on new site but have not published). If I have been logged out I am taken to my legacy site. If not logged out then I am taken to new site.
2) When logged in and I click on account settings I am taken to the Smugmug login screen. Sometimes my login data is present and and I just have to click "Login". Sometimes my login data is missing - after typing in the the first three letters of email the rest gets filled in and then I click "login". Sometimes the data is missing and I have to re-key everything.
3) Today after logging back in, I clicked on "account settings", the login screen was by-passed and I was taken straight to the account settings page.
Well, it is happening again. I use Safari. Things I have noticed:
1) Startup computer in the morning - find I have been logged out. Happened three times in the last week (I am working on new site but have not published). If I have been logged out I am taken to my legacy site. If not logged out then I am taken to new site.
2) When logged in and I click on account settings I am taken to the Smugmug login screen. Sometimes my login data is present and and I just have to click "Login". Sometimes my login data is missing - after typing in the the first three letters of email the rest gets filled in and then I click "login". Sometimes the data is missing and I have to re-key everything.
3) Today after logging back in, I clicked on "account settings", the login screen was by-passed and I was taken straight to the account settings page.
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Thanks for your reply.
Sorry but been fighting this battle for several months. Every time the response is "check your cookies". My cookies are fine.
Six months ago this was not an issue. Then the probplem started happening and it affected not only me but many, many Smugmug users. Long discussions on this board. My impression is that Smugmug was aware of the problem and was working behind the scenes to correct the issue. Slowly the problem went away.
Now it is back again.
The process is inconsistent and needs to be fixed.
Shut down computer. Started up computer. Logged out of Smugmug.
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Logged out again - second time today - Been in site earlier - just went back - logged out.
Logged out again.
1) Uploaded file to Smugmug - minimized Safari
2) Worked on file in Photoshop
3) Saved file and closed Photoshop
4) Expanded Safari
5) Logged out
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After having to login this morning - every thing was great all day until this evening when I was logged out again.
This is rally a PITA!!!!
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Please make sure to provide your workflow in SmugMug before you are logged out.
I see your note Dave, but I can't recreate it after just uploading a file.
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I wish I could re-create it on demand. It just happens. Sometime it happens when I turn on the computer in the morning and go to my site only to find myself logged out. Sometimes I have navigated in Sarfari to other pages, maybe minimized Safari, then go back to my site and i am logged out. Sometimes I have my site open in a tab but not activity using it while I browse in other tabs, ten I go back and I am logged out.
It is hard to get you a workflow as i only find out about it after I have been away from the site for a while.
I will continue to post as it happens and will try to get you as much information as I can.
This morning, just now, the new tab opened not logged in.
That's what has been happening every day.
Closed tab.
Clicked site in this tab and new site opened logged in.
Clicked back to Dgrin.
Opened site in new tab and this time logged in.
I can live with this, just browser quirkiness.
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1) Turned on computer, and opened Safari
2) two tabs open - 1) my smugmug website, 2) DGrin
3) Used Dgrin tab and browsed other websites.
4) Went back to Smugmug tab and was logged out.
1) Did some customizations on my as yet unpublished new site.
2) was also browsing Dgrin.
3) Closed Safari
4) Left computer on all night as I was doing a computer backup
5) Opened Safari this morning (Dgrin was open but had been logged out of Dgrin
6) Went to Smugmug and had been logged out.
I should add that the login username and password and the "keep me logged in" check box were all blank.
I will keep trying to replicate this, any additional information you have would be helpful.
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every time I do this for awhile.
Win7 FF23.0.1
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