[Fixed] Smart Galleries won't show Password Protected photos

Something has drastically changed. I always upload all my photos into galleries that are in a password protected folder. Then I share just the images I want in public galleries via smart galleries being sure that the option "Include my unlisted/password protected galleries" is clicked to YES. That was working fine and I unveiled a couple weeks ago. I haven't looked at my site for several days in an logged out browser, but today I did and I found that NONE of my photos were showing in those smart galleries. NONE - my site had absolutely NO CONTENT.
This is a major problem. The software is obviously not following the rules selected in the settings for smart galleries. In a panic I un-password protected all my folders just to get stuff to show up, but that is not how I expected this to work and I don't think it is how it's supposed to work because it was working fine when I was setting things up. This will be a deal breaker for me if Smug doesn't get that feature working again. I don't want people poking around in my private galleries and I don't want to have to upload photos multiple times to get them to show up in public galleries.
I even tried putting everything inside another top level folder. Put a password on that but not on any of the contents - photos still will not show up in Smart Galleries.
This is a major problem. The software is obviously not following the rules selected in the settings for smart galleries. In a panic I un-password protected all my folders just to get stuff to show up, but that is not how I expected this to work and I don't think it is how it's supposed to work because it was working fine when I was setting things up. This will be a deal breaker for me if Smug doesn't get that feature working again. I don't want people poking around in my private galleries and I don't want to have to upload photos multiple times to get them to show up in public galleries.
I even tried putting everything inside another top level folder. Put a password on that but not on any of the contents - photos still will not show up in Smart Galleries.
I submitted this over to the developers to take a look at. I will keep you posted in the morning when I hear back from them.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
Photo Blog
My Smugmug Site
So if you have smart galleries or collected galleries drawing from password protected galleries, log out and check your site. It may be empty as mine was.
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Photography is my vehicle for discovery!
Yup! Look for a fix for this soon
Photo Blog
Just curious -- is there an estimate for when the fix will be implemented? (Within a week or so? Within a month? Within in the next few months?)
Just trying to decide if I should wait out the resolution of this issue, or implement a workaround.
I don't have a set day, but this is being worked on as we speak.
Photo Blog
I wouldn't expect a set day... But can you provide some idea of the timeframe -- days, weeks, months?
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