GALLERY DESCRIPTION BOX does not float above thumbnails in new SmugMug

I may have previously posted this on the wrong thread. I hope that somebody here may be able to help me.
On my legacy site, I have some galleries with long descriptions (several paragraphs).
The legacy display allows the description box to float ABOVE the photo thumbnails (SmugMug theme).
When viewed in new SM mode, the thumbnails sit on top of the description and hide most of the text.
Why cannot the new SM be made to act in the same fashion as legacy?
(The link below shows the appearance in legacy SM - I have not yet unveiled.)
The attached image shows how new SM presents the display of the gallery thumbnails.
They overwrite the gallery description rather than allowing the description to appear above the gallery photos.
Can any of the experts here cast some light upon the problem and perhaps offer a solution?
This would appear to be a major fault in the new SM architecture, although, I have not seen other postings raising this point.
On my legacy site, I have some galleries with long descriptions (several paragraphs).
The legacy display allows the description box to float ABOVE the photo thumbnails (SmugMug theme).
When viewed in new SM mode, the thumbnails sit on top of the description and hide most of the text.
Why cannot the new SM be made to act in the same fashion as legacy?
(The link below shows the appearance in legacy SM - I have not yet unveiled.)
The attached image shows how new SM presents the display of the gallery thumbnails.
They overwrite the gallery description rather than allowing the description to appear above the gallery photos.
Can any of the experts here cast some light upon the problem and perhaps offer a solution?
This would appear to be a major fault in the new SM architecture, although, I have not seen other postings raising this point.

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