Links work when logged in, broken when logged out

This page:
Should link to two hidden pages when corresponding phrases are clicked on; my 'commercial' and 'events' pages.
I even tried to utilize the full link to those pages in the text/html hyperlink feature but only the truncated link seems to be saving, and that link when clicked for a logged out user sends them to my 404 page.
My commercial and event pages are setup as unlisted pages under a folder entitled 'web pages'.
Should link to two hidden pages when corresponding phrases are clicked on; my 'commercial' and 'events' pages.
I even tried to utilize the full link to those pages in the text/html hyperlink feature but only the truncated link seems to be saving, and that link when clicked for a logged out user sends them to my 404 page.
My commercial and event pages are setup as unlisted pages under a folder entitled 'web pages'.
John in Georgia
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I've customized my 404 page (since I have THOUSANDS of cards in clients hands that direct them to a non-case-sensitive link like /weddings or /local-events, etc.) but that's not what I want to happen.
I have specific pages built for commercial and events (with short descriptions and slideshows) and they work when I'm logged in.
They are also unlisted, would that matter?
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
My Website index | My Blog
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Whew.... ok, it's working now. For some reason when I edited the hyperlinks on the 'what we do' page, it wasn't changing them when I saved/done/published. So I deleted that entire text box and then added it back in, pasting the correct hyperlinks in for events and commercial, and then resaved/done/published and now it's working.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist