Displaced 'Photo Sharing by SM' and 'Login' text

I'm not very experienced with CSS yet, but would really appreciate it if someone could offer a little help with my CSS code on my entire site page.
I thought I finally had my footer logo in the correct position, along with the 'Photo Sharing by SM' & 'Login' text that I moved down the page a little to where it looks good on my desktop. But when I view my site on a tablet or phone with a smaller screen I see the SM text all scrunched up at the top (like the attached image).
I'm sure I've got something wrong. Here's my CSS. Thanks.
I thought I finally had my footer logo in the correct position, along with the 'Photo Sharing by SM' & 'Login' text that I moved down the page a little to where it looks good on my desktop. But when I view my site on a tablet or phone with a smaller screen I see the SM text all scrunched up at the top (like the attached image).
I'm sure I've got something wrong. Here's my CSS. Thanks.
/* change position of logo in footer */ .sm-user-ui .sm-page-layout-region-bottom { float: right; } /* change position of 'Photo Sharing by SmugMug' text */ .sm-page-powered-by a:first-child{ position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 0; } /* change position of 'Login' text */ .sm-muted { position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 200; }