OK Hackbone... same bat time, same bat channel...
but this time I added some fill from a large 48" octobox.
And just for reference, this was from my previous post where I used no fill flash:
And just for reference, this was from my previous post where I used no fill flash:
"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Learn how to slim the body and the different facial angles.... what angle light do I use with those body angles... study how to make an object appear 3d on a two dimensional plane using light....what type/color of clothing should I suggest to wear.....does my camera angle and lens choice effect the end result.....should I plop the subject down anywhere and start clicking, if not why.......etc, etc, etc, etc, etc!!!!!!
Well, where can I go to learn all this (don't say to yourself "I don't need this everyone says my work is great", yeah, sure.) Try your local camera store for programs, do a google for your State Professional Association, they are always holding classes and will let you come to a few meetings at no charge. Take a SMALL SEMINAR. I hate the ones where there are hundreds of photographers. Look for the 10 to 12 photographers per class and at least two days. Sure it is gonna cost you but do you want to learn or not. You will learn more sitting at night in the hotel longue after class than all day at one of those very large seminars. There are classes and some great DVD's, PM me if interested and I'll get you a list.
Rember, think before clicking, click once and evaluate.
Alex, these are outstanding!!!!!!!!
Set #2 starts out better even before we talk about lighting because that orange is such a great colour for her, and tones with the warm light; the grey is already fighting color temps a little bit. She's posing better and seems more engaged in set #2. You're getting different modeling light/shadows in #2 not only from the light (obviously from that!) but also because she's got bare arms vs covered.
I will say I hugely prefer the catchlights in set 1 - the obvious "studio light" of the octobox really looks weird to me among the natural light. I'm a complex catchlights freak though, so that may just be a personal thing.
Interesting discussion.
PS In set two #2 & 3 that light block on her arm is bugging the crap out of me. Clone it out, maybe? (because really it's all about what **I** like, yanno? That's what matters.
Diva... I also like natural catchlights better. Now if I can figure out a way do get them with flash, that would be awesome.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
creativelive.com is having a rebroadcat of Ben Willmore a crazy photoshop guru shortcuts in photoshop. Very informative. Might be rebroadcast later.