Half Dome

It's been forever since I've posted here (and I was usually over in the people section), but we just returned from visiting 10 National Parks, and my photography bug is returning, so...here's a shot of Half Dome (going for a kind of vintage post-card look). Trying to process landscape stuff is quite a bit different than people shots, so working through my thousands of photos should keep me busy for quite a while. Any tips/critiques appreciated.

I think you accomplished your goal perfectly!
A personal issue that I have, is I rarely think a portrait orientation is the best choice for landscapes, as my eyes see the world in a horizontal view. But this one seems perfect for such!
Great clouds, and I like your conversion given your goal.
Overall, great image
Link to my Smugmug site
Gtogs...yes to Glacier Point!
kdog...thanks much!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography